Make old fomo content earnable

Yeah it does. Not that you would know. Hehehe

Don’t argue with people like him. They are people who are only successful in this game, that’s their only achievement, now if someone else would get a chance to earn it, at same difficulty as it was when it was current, it would take away from them.


So you think Blizzard can never change their mind on this? Ever?



The issue is that same challenge from 10 years is almost impossible to replicate. But nice try.

I wasn’t talking about you. But yea actually challenges become harder now when they tune it to current level. Mage tower was easy back then when you get gear, now its not easy.

I in general support that they add/bring back more content to do so people have goals. I don’t get salty when someone gets something that I have for the same or less effort

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That’s a normal person’s reaction. I agree.


Im not salty im just playing the way the game is designed and im okay with it.
Its not about it being harder or not. Mage tower will be easy by the end of expansion just like it was in Df. Dont worry.

Which has changed before and will change again.

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Not in that way. Blizz was very clear about removed items. U can hope sure. But hardly will ever be live.

I did respond to your comment but I didn’t call you salty. I mean in general people who get offended by that kind of stuff.

Well I don’t see any other reason then. Many people get their Mythic appearances 4 years after it was released, and nothing wrong with that. You get to flex the stuff when it was current , bravo for you, honestly.

I play on decently populated server Area 52 and Sen’jin, and I swear I can count in my fingers how many times I’ve seen someone with challenge appearances or mage tower skins. And many people have them, its not that they are scarce


You can’t know that.

Legendary cloak appearance and Ordos say “hi”.

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How about you stuff it.

The answer is no, get over it.

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Are you sure it’s the pixels, and not the depressi bean spaghetti and beer farts?

8 years of exclusivity is more than enough ego time. It’s inevitable that it will happen, even if only as recolors - the Fel Grizzly proved that. I look forward to the ragestorm when it finally does.

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I had to do 3 pathfinders when they where actually current, on 2 different accounts. I mean I didn’t had to , I did it so I can fly. When they removed all the restrictions from them as well when they removed allied races requirements I was more then happy. I had to do them on my accounts. But in case something happens to my accounts , it will be easier to get that stuff without spending months and months of stupid grinding

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Stop projecting. If society doesnt accept you its a you problem.

I see you need a this to feel complete and on par with others. To boost your ego. All about ego build with yall who want what they cant get huh?

They did that but kept challenge mode out of it. They had a chance and refused. What u asking for said “bye” and isnt coming back. Cope if u want.

They already said they won’t re-add any fomo rewards that were skill-based.


What does that have to do with you measuring your worth by pixels? Isn’t that also a projection on your part?