Fair enough, though I feel like your time would be pretty equally well spent screaming at a wall or a bowl or pasta.
If the only consequence was how brox responds, yeah absolutely. I canât speak for nasrajin but I think itâs useful to the community to have his vod review and the stance that informs it on display in opposition to this blockhead. Lurkers donât deserve the lie that this is the right way to handle losing
I hope future generations will look back on this thread as a valuable community resource.
I miss mana burn.
And this is what I mean by you arenât recognizing the start of the go. Pay attention to DRs!
Hereâs an MS paint. You have 4 seconds to respond to this action, youâre just not responding in time! This is also an example of what I meant earlier about how when you survived at 1% hp wasnât an outplay; had you recognized what their plan was and disrupted it, THAT would be an outplay.
Also, at the very least, press Dstance when your healer gets CCd!
I can link a macro if youâd like.
Yeah thatâs my entire goal here. At the end of the day, Iâm happy to help Brox or anyone here.
I think brox is a great case study example for how arena matches are often played out and there are a TON of tips for people to improve by going through this thread, watching the vod, and looking at the timestamp mistakes that I shared.
If he chooses not to accept help, thatâs totally fine and thatâs on him. I think that the community in general, however, has a lot that can be learned from this scenario.
Just remember, lugobrious. You asked for this!
The balance is really and truly in a spot where every game is more or less pretty fair (at least in 3v3) and the better team should win more often than not. What matters far more than balance is individual and team coordinated play and skill.
What you have done consistently in this thread and so many other threads is actively deny that things are your fault and tried to say that your level of skill doesnât matter, and in those same threads, humble brag about your skill and try to make nit-picking justifications for plays that are questionable at best.
I actively pointed out multiple mistakes from every player in the vod review that YOU linked, dude. Youâre just so defensive that youâre not listening to understand, youâre listening to respond and missing the entirety of whatâs being conveyed because it is so important to you that you be right.
Once, and even then you did it disingenuously to try and substantiate a counterclaim (incorrectly, i might add).
You have still refused to answer or address dozens of other points Iâve made.
Again, take this as helpful or donât, thatâs up to you. But I know for certain that you didnt recognize that you were making these mistakes before this thread or you wouldnât be making them or trying to defend them.
Dude. Youâre not even reading the text box. I address that and what to do. He cannot step THROUGH the pillar. If you preemptively move, he can not ever get in line to step you.
Druid is NOT behind pillar.
Rogue moves 10 times faster than me, you are implying rogue couldnât catch me? because i move faster than him around pillar?
I know hes not and thats why you need to move preemptively!
We can test this in a wargame scenario later if you want.
You have 4 seconds to get around two corners. So long as youre around the corners, the rogue will never be able to get to you.
This is actually the same reason the druid dies at the end. He tries to run across the map and wide open space instead of running in tight corners around the pillars which would absolutely save him.
Yes! Exactly; because you have that 4 second head start if you read the situation correctly. Rogue cant shadowstep through the pillar and you just watch where heâs moving after pally is stunned and shift accordingly. I even typed this out in the MS paint!!!
Druid made tons of mistakes. Paladin made a few bad plays. Nahj called himself out consistently for multiple mistakes & said mistakes were detailed in the above post.
Youâre just refusing to accept reality.
Youâre the only one implying that itâs 100% on your shoulders. Everyone made mistakes that game. The discussion isnât with nahj, or the druid. Your pally isnât in this thread. People are trying to provide you with constructive hindsight. Not a time machine to fix what you did.
a rogue turn around pillar 3 times in the same window a warrior turn 1⌠Not only he would catch me but he would do that in 2 seconds

-Nahj misplays right in the opener.

-43-48 seconds. Druid wastes literally 5 seconds

-59s. Despite letting nahj get away, he misplays and doesnât kick rep and admits to his mistake.

-Still 59s, druid trinkets the rep and gets hoj instantly. This is a total waste of trinket

-1:14, druid reclones AFTER stun ends (and uses globals to refresh hots, not do damage and no repositioning for drinks/safety despite no skin or trinket). This gap lets pally heal you AND reposition away from gouge or swap followup.

-1:38 Despite no warbreaker, the druid presses tranquility on no cds and no hots on himself

Druid has to ironbark because he never topped himself during the cc

-2:20 nahj gaps stun and you press impending victory. REALLY good here
oh look at that, praise.

-2:57 druid walks into melee range for a double fear.

3:28-3:30 druid wastes all tree form root DRs on you despite nahj attacking you and the healer having dispel. Just press wrath, lilâ bro.

-4:18 druid 1/2 DR clones paladin, resetting DR (youâre both off stun dr in 5s) instead of just cloning you low during your avatar.

. Despite you throwing, the druid tries to cross the map for some reason in human form o.O
I mean. I know you didnât read what he wrote, but do you really see how you just ignore things and declare your own form of reality?

If this thread has 1000 errors, the 1000 errors are about me.
You need to fix this self obsession and read what people are saying
Oh, look, another 200+ brox thread about warriors
Just as fried as the last couple, too
At least you keep it consistent

Nahj misplays right in the opener.

You need to fix this self obsession and read what people are saying
i wansât talking about mistakes ingame, i was talking about statements,
If I have an opinion 10 times, I will be wrong 10 times, you will be right 10 times.

I will be wrong 10 times, you will be right 10 times.
This statement could be utilized in a moment of deep self reflection
But who am I kidding

If I have an opinion 10 times, I will be wrong 10 times, you will be right 10 times.
Yes. Youâre a force of nature Brox. Birds Cry, the Sun sets, and broxikor is wrong in the morning.
You can be right you know. You just tend to have really fried takes.
This is such an incredibly fried take haha.

Rogues are immune to slow
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

Feral and all druids removes slow
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

Paladins has freedom multiple bops which removes slow
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

Shaman wolf mitigates slow
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

DK ranged slows you for 70%
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

DH are immune to slow
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

Locks immune to slow, ranged curse slows you for 70%
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

Monks immune to slow, infinite gapclosers, teleports
No class is actually immune to slows, they may have talents/abilities/spells that can remove them⌠But no class is straight up âcanât slow me, no matt what you doâ

Hammstring is weakest slow of the game
It is also, arguably, one of the most spammable. Not to mention you can talent into bladestorm ALSO slowing.
What is it warrior and cracked takes, as if they arenât some of the highest raw melee damage/uptime classes in the game. You have 4 gap closers, 2 to 3 stuns, 2 interrupts, a damage redirect, spell reflect, you have a dps cooldown that makes you immune to CC while still allowing you to counter attacks (you can spell reflect in BS), while having an MS (that also hits like a train), AANNDD baseline have an ability that does massive damage at our lowest health (with talents that make is still better).
Stop. Just stop.

You are a vulpera warlock with a terrible unoriginal mog.
Your existence should be erradicated.
Get out of my sight until curse of exaustion and infinite teleports are removed from the game.