Make covenant tmog and mounts account wide🍭

It’s time! Make these hard earned rewards usable on alts of different covenants


I don’t mind if they aren’t now but please make it once we’re out of there next expansion…


At the very least, remove the restrictions to purchase vendor mounts. I’ve been working on the Court of Night rep, and just happened to check the vendor, and nearly everything is locked behind the Night Fae covenant. Well, that’s a waste.

Might not be another.


wont happen right now.

hoping they remove all restrictions when new expansion launches.

Then all this wouldn’t really matter.

No it’s not. I’m sure they’ll open every thing up come 10.0.

Umm… no.

If you want to use the looks of a given covenant, you should join that covenant. That’s part of their entire identity.

When the expansion ends and we’re ready to move onto the next one. Then I’d be okay with it. But not now.


Nothing matters.