Make covenant abilities a new talent line

They also want to lock out story content for only people in that covenant i.e. Night warrior story and Kael’thas story.

People pay $15 to see all the content, yet you lock that out by forcing them to play on multiple characters?

It is an rpg, you can make another character

Covenants are about identity, you cant pretend your character is a treehugger, an edgelord, a fairy or a goody 2 shoes angel at the same time


false, they need to increase character cap.

Do you want classes as a talent option as well?
Meaningful choices.

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4 abilities

RPG doesn’t mean limiting your choice.

If I want to be a Neutral evil druid, I can. Oh wait, they forced it on us or did you forget about the Teldrassil event?

Blizzard’s just doubling down on player choice and can choose whatever they want when it comes to the illusion of choice. Yet that doesn’t make it any more RPG than being able to be the Master of the Fighters Guild, Archwizard of the Mages Guild, and/or the Grandmaster of the Thieves Guild.

If blizzard did that then they would have to screw up the classes some more, since the talents, for whatever reason, have to COMPLETE the class rather than COMPLIMENT the class.

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You’re kidding yourself if you think the complaint is exclusive.
What’s freedom of choice if not complete freedom of choice?

What is difference between discrimination of players due to covenant choice and discrimination of players due to class choice?

Both of those are choices you made and are affected by ability and balance.

I play multiple specs, being locked at anything already pisses me off. I guess I should make 4 druids as Ralph suggests.

How moronic and time wasting.


Sure though if you have a million characters already then clearly you ll have enough to join all covenants that fit your characters and see all the story

RPG if you heard Ion interview with preach where he said there’s a stat aspect to RP, not just erping in gold shire, that means playing with builds, making decisions on where your character will excel and where they ll be average or bad.

Sorry you cant be a rogue that changes his build for AoE in m+ and Single target for some raid bosses and Cleave for some other bosses, you find a build that fits you and you stick with it, you are good at X and bad at Y, that is what RPG means, it isnt “let me change my build before this boss”

You have complaints as do others, but how did you get by in Legion? The expansion everyone seems to love.

Legion has the most ridiculous gating it wasn’t even funny yet noone batted an eye, yet now a couple of abilities are suddenly the end of the world and game breaking.
I honestly don’t get it.

Because Guardian Druid was a COMPLETED class. We had a slow, a damaging CD, abilities that were enhanced by the artifact weapon.

Take that away and we’re bland like vanilla ice cream. Barely able to complete high end content without being carried by temporary powers or our party members.

So yes I’m complaining that I have to endure another pointless borrowed power system to carry what a few changes would do to make the class better for everyone.

I don’t need some defeatist random on the general discussion who’s so hated that he’s posting on his alt because he got ignored so hard to tell me that not being able to swap for each role is somehow a meaningful choice.

Possibly because bad players can only delude themselves they are skilled by copying the meta so they have the most optimal build for each boss and dungeon.

You then put them to do the same content but on a build that is sub optimal and their lack of skill and cluelessness is instantly revealed because playing fotm/meta was what was carrying them, not their personal ability.

Personal ability doesn’t equate when you do comparisons of abilities that are not “meta”

Fact: Lunar Beam for Guardian druids is and has been the worst talent in the lvl 100 row since Legion.

There isn’t any situation where you would use that over the other two. It’s literally dog poop and yet if you pick that talent, you’re some kind of woke individual against the meta? LOL

Deal with it, borrowed power is the solution to skill bloating, that is why borrowed power isnt going away because it is there specifically deal with the bloating problem and also to introduce the new expansion gimmick.

Tha tis how will will be, we are never going back to old wow.

Oh look another one of my haters who simply cant believe I changed mains and I am doing it to avoid being ignored.

Pretty sure i made a thread with my spriest a few days ago and got a ton of replies, guess it wasnt enough since i was being “”"“ignored”"" xD

Maybe you would need some help with realizing the fact that covenants arent talents nor are they meant to be anything as small as talents

A competent person can do well no matter what spec or build, a bad player needs meta to even compete.

Covenants enhance your character? Check

Talents enhance your character? Check

Are you seriously this ignorant?

Ok you are clueless when it comes to the design of the game then clearly.

consumed by the meta while trying to advocate against it. anyways, the new abilities seem fun n awesome n i wanna use them.

So Guardian Druid only? So really it’s not about the covenant abilities and more just that Guardian needs some well needed changes?

Because the artifact weapon was horrible, it locked players to a single spec for over 6 months, and not even just “this spec has one sub optimal ability” but “this spec is completely missing half of it’s spec”.
That’s not even accounting for legendaries.

If you survived in Legion, you will survive with some specs having a slightly less optimal ability.

Having “the best of everything” literally only matters to players who push +25s and do mythic raiding.

Were you locked out of story content during Legion? Your main character only got access to 1 out of 12 campaigns.