Make An'she/Belore A Thing

Given that Blizzard’s last response about new race/class combos is that they think they’ve gone far enough and that restrictions are just as important, I’m not holding out hope. Sucks to be you if your preference doesn’t land in any of the available ones, I guess.

I think trolls should get spirit raptors. Are there even wolves on Zandalar?



But yeah Zandalari and Trolls should be raptors on default, Orcs wolves, Draenei talbuk, Dwarves rams, etc

I think a better fit for draneis would be elek
Dwarves would be gryphon

Yes! There is even a Wolf Rare in Zuldazar: The Sons of Xolotal and the Avatar of Xolotal

Bumping since in-game confirmation Elune’s favored children are Night Elves (ergo Tauren, Trolls, Orcs, Humans, etc are less than to her)


Are you sure you want An’She to appear and the tauren be recognized as his favorites?
Suddenly the plane of Light will fall ill and souls marked by the hand of An’She will be required to repair it. And since he is an impulsive god, in the course of a small solar flare, all the tauren settlements will be reduced to ashes.

Shouldn’t it just be Mulgore with Ironforge going through another flooding like the one that that Book in Dalaran mentioned?

Bonus points if it’s an Ale Flood that turns all of Dun Morogh into a Golden Lake that eventually turns to Golden Ice barring entrance into the City outside Mole Machines(which Players naturally don’t have)!

Bump, an artist made Tarot Cards based on Azerothian mythos and made An’she and Elune almost exactly how I imagine them which is cool

Earth Tarot Equivalent: The Sun

The Sun in the Tarot represents Joy, fulfillment, sharing, growth, all of them qualities that the Tauren display in abundance, hence why no one better to fit the bill of the 19th card of the Major Arcana than the Tauren’s sun god himself, An’she.

Earth Tarot Equivalent: The Moon

The Moon card in the Tarot means Intuition, Dreaming, Illusion, Mysticism and Esotericism and the power of the subconscious and the unconscious over the conscious mind.

Translating it to the universe of Azeroth, there is no question of who should assume the archetype. Elune is therefore the 18th Card of the Major Arcana.


What do you think of An’she being Zovaal, and Mu’sho being Elune. Both Arbiters, separated by the clash of void/light. Lo’Sho being Azeroth, their younger sibling.

(Earth Mother being a First One)

That is one of the three things I settled on in the wake of the lawsuit that would lead me to quit the game entirely.

If Zovaal is An’she, if the literal Diet Sauron Lucifer McSkullFace Evil No Good Very Bad Antagonist that is so badly written even people who don’t care at all about the lore are pointing out how dumb this is, if that guy is the Tauren Sun God that they pray to and depend on in the wake of the Tauren Moon Goddess name being confirmed to be “wrong” and favoring another race entirely (which is fine because it affirms Nelf Lore, but alas)

I’m out

That would shoot down 100% what little hope I have.

“Native American Race prays to Literal Satan unknowingly” is so bad, cringe, and racist, I’m out.

There would be no point in staying at that point.


I apologize for my ignorance on the topic, and I haven’t read all 800 posts…

I’m a bit confused as to where would An’she would fall along the power levels and place within the cosmic forces we already know?

Could An’she be a Titan of the Life/Light Pantheon?

I know this is not about me. But this is my original theory so I feel like this feels like a jab.

Tauren myth has never showed respect to Native American mythology. I don’t know why you expect that to be the case now, I can understand why it would be your staw that broke the camels back. To me I’ve completely divested the fact that the Tauren are supposed to be Native American. The Taurwn culturally appropirate Native themes but WoW itself has a very Euro-Ethic Central mythology.

It’s just the way it is. Colonialism in video games is not new. I know it shouldn’t be just accepted though.


I mean yeah at the time of this thread, the “more popular” theory was Elune/An’she were First Ones, because you know, “True Deity” would fit the bill.

Now, I have no idea.

An’she will probably be Elune’s butler in the Lifelands if he isn’t Zovaal.

Not a jab, which you know, but it is just a fundamental line for me.

Blizzard has 100% failed to write the Tauren properly, especially since Cataclysm, but buying into “Indigenous people worship the Devil unknowingly” is one colonial trope too far.

One can only tolerate so much misuse and cultural transgressions lol gotta draw the line somewhere, and that is it for me


The thing is “Lucifer” in this context isn’t the devil. WoW does not follow Abrahamic foundations of faith, but subverts it.

Comparative mythology is important.

I would expect you to know occultism isn’t “evil” but Zorvaal being the Dark Sun would be some loaded mythology.

Anyways, you are honestly the last person I want to argue with so I won’t push the topic. I respect your criticism of this theory.

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You know any modicum of Luciferian nuance is not what Blizzard is meaningfully going for, there is no subversion, there won’t be subversion, because they are incapable of it

Zovaal is Diet Sauron Lucifer McSkullFace

Making the Tauren Sun God Diet Sauron is just an objectively bad choice. A fundamental mistake. An error in world building. Especially in the wake of all this Elune nonsense and Teldrassil nonsense and “I will never serve” nonsense.

If they do “Indigenous people worship Satan” I’m out.


Meaningful or not I agree that any nuance whatso ever is generally lost on this playerbase.

Some times it feels like the writers are spoon feeding us moral lessons and higher concepts in theology, like we are toddlers, myth and lore is no different sadly.


Gonna be honest. If D & G barely learned about the Tulsa Massacre in June of this year, if Bottegoni managed to write an entire “diversity” article “in honor of Pride Month” without mentioning Marsha, Sylvia, or the words “race” or “ethnicity”, and if the “Message from the WoW Team” in the wake of the lawsuit was the first instance of a blizzard statement saying the word “ethnicity”

I do not think they are spoonfeeding anyone anything

And haven’t

For years.


No matter what they do, it’s not like most will notice or care. They’ve attracted a certain kind of audience, and that’s still their main demographic.

Since there’s a Druid ability that gives you a Blessing from An’she, and Tauren Paladins use her powers, An’she being Zovaal is far-fetched, to me.

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I agree, I suspect that An’she will have more attachment to the Light, or possibly be a Light Titan.

I just wondered about Elune/Zovaal as they all consider eachother to be siblings.

It’s not out of scope however, for Zovaal to be that Fallen Paladin/Death Knight type…