Make An'she/Belore A Thing

It wants to be Minas Tirith, but is Bree :,(


Stormwind is more or less just a toy castle.

It is Goldshire swollen into a Capital City that’s what it is: Bree at it’s best and most glorious.

Just noticed that Boralus is Laketown of The Hobbit at it’s best and most glorious while Fort Daelin is an inferior version of Dale.

I wouldn’t say it is wrong. I mean Mu’sha could just be Elune in Taurnae. There have been civilizations that “share” the same Gods but have different names from them. Romans and Greeks for example. Or the two Egyptian Kingdoms before they unified.


Her real name is Elune. This is no longer a narrative option.


Thats it. Thats how we put Anshe into the game. He can have his sudden reveal tied into the Blood elves and Tauren getting visions from a sun wreathed figure and they follow those dreams to somewhere and boom. Theres ya boy.

10/10 Baal


Her real name was always Elune though. Doesn’t change what denona said though


If Blizzard haven’t accepted you for their community council yet, or they don’t, they’re crazy.


Musha could’ve been a nickname in fancy shmancy Pantheon language, it could’ve been a composite name like my toons name Baalsamael but everyone just says Baal or IRL Juan Manuel but everyone usually just says Juan or Juanma. Elune Musha, idk.

A thousand ways they could’ve handled it.


Be neat if An’she/Belore was actually a jolly fellow who happily gave visions to people that allowed them to craft some of the universes most renown weapons and armor and the phoenix is something he created as a avatar for his undying love for those he looks after.

But I’m sentimental like that :wolf:


My point still stands though. Mu’sha could simply be Elune in the Taurens native tongue. I mean you like to say that An’she and Belore is the same person but are called different things by the Tauren (An’she) and the Blood Elves (Belore). How is that any different?

What happens if An’she is his real name, would that mean that the Blood Elves had it wrong the whole time?


No it doesn’t.

My name being translated as Jean, John, Yahya, Yohan, Ivan, or Tianci does not mean they are my name.

My name is Juan.



Yes, which would be good to counterbalance the Elune Is Correct point.

That is literally the point of why he must be named An’she and not Belore.

Elves were “granted” Elune’s true name and are favored by Elune above all other races and worshippers, Tauren are “granted” An’she true name and are favored by An’she and are favored among all other races and worshippers.

That is subjective though. Just because you personally feel that way does not mean that Elune feels the same way about the Tauren calling her Mu’sha. Nor does it invalidate that those alternative names do not mean the same thing.

You are letting your personal anger and frustration cloud your judgement.



Elune is literally her real name.

Elune confirmed personally she values the Night Elves above all other races in the entire cosmos.

Which is fine.

But there must be narrative equity.

If the Tauren mythos are “wrong” here, they must be written to be “right” elsewhere.

An’she must be An’she, must favor the Tauren, and “Belore” must be wrong.

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That can still be the case and have her name be Mu’sha in the Tauren language. Names can have different spelling depending on the language while retaining the same meaning.

But I can tell there is no point in continuing this. I’ll let you sit in your rage filled hatred.


And thus her name is not actually Mu’sha.

The Winter Queen would never call Elune Mu’sha.

There must be narrative equity as they continue doing this tedious cosmological buildup. Simple as.


Also the Tauren culture is way older than the Blood Elves so it would track


Bit of a headcannon, but how cool would it be if like, we’re getting our rears handed to us by Zooval, and An’she steps through a portal and gives the Primus a verbal beat down about how he used Domination Magic to pervert his grandest weapons and than starts slugging it out with Zooval :wolf:


I mean. Not when you consider their lineage to the Kaldorei Highborne.

but tbh, idk if I like the idea of An’she or Belore being a thing. It would feel redundant. And we already have plenty of reason to believe that An’she is just the Tauren interpretation of the Holy Light.

Honestly, Belore feels like a mock God. Like the Flying Spaghetti monster. I can see it being a form of mockery originating from bitter Highborn towards lowborn Kaldorei.

My headcannon is similar to this. I think the Eyes of the Earth Mother story from the fairytale book had An’she being gravely wounded by the shadows to explain his absence this whole time and set the stage for his return. I agree that it would be cool if we are facing a great foe like the Jailer, and the outcome is looking dire for us/sister Elune/Azeroth, then big brother An’she returns fully healed to turn the tide of the battle.