Make aimed shot interruptible

I think he’s talking about BC Classic which does have the -50% healing component. I started mid BC and that’s what it was like when I started.
It’s also on the Wrath Classic tree

See my reply to Dawnspirit

That’s not original tho, is it now ?
And in bc classic it still has a cast time.

Idk in wot universe wotlk babies = classic

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my comment was talking about just the healing aspect.
Jesus Christ, why tf are you so toxic straight out the gate. You know forums don’t require you be a douche right?

also it’s the Universe where I’m talking about Burning Crusade CLASSIC and Wrath CLASSIC, you know the names of the products. If I was referring VANILLA WoW I would’ve said so.

Your comment was talking about the Healing Reduction on Aimed Shot.

The person in question said they wanted to return Aimed Shot to what it was originally, which they claimed was Instant Cast with a Healing Reduction, which was the Wrath version of Aimed Shot, not the original version of Aimed Shot.

Also Also, it’s the universe where someone was claiming something about the original version of Aimed Shot was actually the Wrath version of Aimed Shot.

But sure, act like you’re not some how wrong by trying to defend them by saying “Well maybe they weren’t talking about VANILLA”.

You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s hard keeping track of topics when people arguing about pointless semantics like it’s life or death to their ego when it’s borderline irrelevant to the original post.

Welcome to the wow forums, where ppl complain and argue for 8yrs over a dead, deleted spec. Thinking there’s an ever rising minority of players that don’t gave a healthy relationship with this game.

8 years ago was 2014, late SoO, with SV being a successful and widely played spec; in fact the most played spec of the class.

So yeah the complaining started a bit more recently than that.


Sure if DH have their mobility taken away.

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Odd thing to add to a thread about Aimed Shot.


As expected,

Go away for a few days and the hunters turn on themselves like starved dogs.

All it takes is a little push muawhahaha

No. Try breaking 1700

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Snoz, you are always a ray of sunshine


I also think players that don’t have any pvp exp shouldn’t comment on pvp :man_shrugging:t3:

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Cool story bro.

Been playing the game since vanilla and have put plenty of years in to speak about the game.

And good thing about opinions is that I could care less about yours as well :smile:

My story is that I don’t like rated content as I don’t need it to have a good time in game.

Keep staying you though as we need all flavors on the forums

You do realize that doesnt mean you are actually good at the game right?

Difference is I actually PvP.

Because you are bad.

Yeah its good to have experienced players telling bad players their complaints arent valid.

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Again, cool story.

I’m glad you enjoy arena, but it’s not for me.

Only time I did it serious was in vanilla where I stopped at legionnaire/knight captain as it was just a ridiculous time investment for grand marshall.

Messed around in twos at the end of mop, but it’s not my jazz.

I never boasted that I grinded out arenas or stated that I was numero uno, but I also don’t dismiss opinions as an elitist snob.

Not doing rated doesn’t mean you are bad at the game, it’s just a time sink nowadays to get rating and it’s not an investment I find worthy to pursue.

Have fun

People who are bad tend to say that.

Thats RBGs.

No you just claimed to be good at the game.

Usually it does. Especially when crying about MM hunters needing to be interruptible


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I claimed to have put in the years to comment, I never said I was rank one material.

Read again and pull down the snoz filter.

I read what you said. You tried to imply that since you have played so long you have are good enough to know what you are talking about.

Time played means nothing. I have seen people playing since beta with 71 talents in one tree

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