Make a human group playable for Horde

I’ve seen dozens of charts backing it up. I probably have a few saved on my computer at home. I’ll find them then…

Of course you’re aren’t going to see just orcs and undead… I’m a tauren for example. But the majority of horde players trend towards them. Same with Alliance, they trend in a direction.

Also Moon-Guard is probably more than likely most Human, Worgens and Night Elves. Due to… you know, ERP.

www . statista . com/statistics/276315/distribution-of-world-of-warcraft-characters-by-race/ at least of 2019 your stats are off. Blood elf seems to be the most according to this site. First one I could find

race/us servers/eu servers
|Blood Elf|16.2%|15.2%|
|Night Elf|11.6%|11.6%|
|Pandaren (Alliance)|2.2%|2.3%|

Apparently we cannot post links?

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Perhaps it would the best if you actually play the race before you post about it. It’s a changed model with poor customization options and a Heritage Armor which had clipping issues in the beginning. Both of the problems got solved now, to a fair degree.

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Not shocked at all to see BE, Human an NE at the top. Worgen outnumbering Gnome and Dwarf is a travesty.

I wonder about the “allied races” that’s my thing, those reskins… they just annoy me personally, no purpose to them really.

The fact that you need to unlock them makes the barrier to entry higher so their population from that alone will make them lower I’m sure. I do remember seeing a ton of vulpera when they released though… the worgen of the horde I’m sure

I just don’t think we need more races at this time… a new class? Sure. A new spec for each class? YES! I also see this, “human playable for Horde” and think… so lets just totally get rid of factions or just make all classes interchangeable. Maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing, I could hang out at Ironforge.

I definitely agree that a new class or even new class specs or class skins are more important right now than races

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Why not … why should undead be rotting . What if someone was raised immediately after they died . Give the human model to the forsaken as an option


Wouldn’t that be the undead? Or are those elves? Can’t say I’ve ever looked that closely.

Little unrepentant self promotion.

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They probably won’t do it, but I think it would be cool if there was also an in-game way to faction change, like basically becoming a traitor and joining the other faction. You might have to do some quests or gain some rep or something.

I don’t know if it would work with factions as they currently exist, but if they go forward with more of the cross-faction grouping that they’ve been talking about, it might make more sense.

I look at all the things that you can do in the Blizzard store (faction changes, etc) and I think it would be cool if there were also ways to do some of those things in-game, in Azeroth, as your character, rather than doing them through a web browser, as a customer. It’s hard to see them giving up that revenue, but I think you’d still have players who would rather just pay for an instant service.

I probably wouldn’t do it on this character, unless there was some way to go neutral, or if they somehow added more factions, but I could see doing it on other characters.

Not the same human model… VE is a straight copy of BE

So many other races to add and you want more humans. :roll_eyes:

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Its better than nothing cause as of right now there is no val’kyr alive to make new forsaken. we killed them in 9.1

This would mean Salsbury is correct? Not sure what Malyk meant he couldn’t transform Salsbury then. :thinking:

I’ve tried explaining to Salsbury time and time again that there is no possible way that I could transform him into a worgen. He refuses to listen and has instead convinced himself that if he gains my trust I will let him in on the secret.

Gnomes are very strange.

Add Wolvar instead! Would offset the furry cuteness the Vulpera brought.

yeah…could be like the Black Númenóreans from Middle Earth…that would be cool.

yea, if/when added, I’m sure they’ll screw it up, timegate it, make it a grueling grind, or make it purchaseable through online store/wow token. To which I’d have to ask is that better than nothing? Hard to say.

Allowing Forsaken to have more model options would definitely be something I wouldn’t mind seeing. No more allied races just give our faction races more options. But keep faction models distinct and different.