Actually. I’ll just change the title back to it’s original.
The threads already derailed.
Actually. I’ll just change the title back to it’s original.
The threads already derailed.
Wait was this just about a movie title?
Blizzards wish to remove flying in WOD had nothing to do with anti flyers. It’s all about money.
Slow down content consumption.
Pathfinder is here to stay.
No, it was the operational title for the Holocaust. Movie probably just borrowed it.
It just relates to the murder of 11 million people, no big.
For reference:
Which in no way was I referring to that. It was just a title.
So in other words we need to ban that movie
lol yeah. Apparently, it was about the na-zis planning on the “final solution” to the Jewish. I never heard anything about this, anywhere in any source of history.
It’s a movie…so iT MuSt Be TrOo!!, some people think. They probably also think The Inglorious Basterds were real. lol
I know. Kind of what I expected. Some people think we need to stay forever offended by some phrases.
Which OP wasn’t referring to that. Clearly.
You and the Vulperan ruined his thread.
Straight up.
It costs nothing to watch what you say.
That’s what those people live for to ruin things. They get a kick out of it.
Dude. Are you trolling?
Those people? Jews? Who are those people? The ones with enough common sense to not use a phrase ONLY used in historical reference to the murder of millions of people? Those people?
lol yup and badly. Like the fox…thiccfox lady. It’s not uncommon to see thiccgrandma (that name…/cringe) whining about some “injustice” on here.
Hahahaha I knew those people would get one of you. By those people I’m talking the I want to be offended by everything crowd like you and wild bill.
no u
Seriously, go troll somewhere else.
You have got to be joking dude.
People aren’t allowed to that phrase for the rest of eternity because of what happened?
Changing the title back. You’ve done hijacked my thread. And also flagged and made it hidden.
Dude, are you a third grader? Take a history class.
They call themselves “cAnCuL CuLtUrE” or something like that.