Make “No flying servers”

This thread needs to be deleted. I hate to call out the mods, but CM’s need to erase this asap.

Title was changed. Thanks! :sunglasses:

With all the people saying how easy this game is they do need to create some sort of hardcore server that has things like:

  • No flying
  • Corpse looting
  • Res sickness every time you die or super hardcore… you’re dead means you’re dead. Can’t res

A true hardcore server would be interesting. You would get 3 ressurections PERIOD. That would cover disconnnects or glitches. NO EXCEPTIONS. I would play it, for real.

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Just imagine Hardcore Servers with the 9.0 LVLing system. talk about people finding the best LVLing routes.

Seems like we need to get new developers. They make a lot of money selling flying mounts in the shop. The developers can want to remove flight, but it will never happen… thank goodness. They need to replace the anti flight developers.


for the x.1 POrtion of the Expansion I dont mind so much not FLying just as long as i can get it early x.2 the latest. I just think Flying in shadowlands will be a pain though since the zones are not connected.

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Grow some thicker skin. I had to Google the phrase so there’s a pretty good chance Op didn’t know.


you know can always comment on the original thread and not create a whole new one saying exactly what the other guys said.

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I’m either really naive or the flaggers are really getting out of control. :confused:


Did you not pay attention in school? How could someone not know what this is? Also, thicker skin about one of the worst cases of mass genocide in the world and human history? What are you, 12? Seriously, that is not a “thicker” skin kind of thing.


I can see it already the anit-flyers are crying because the cost of flasks went from 200g to 2000g


This is a sad commentary on the public school system.


I am fairly confident that it was that person not paying attention in class or trolling. Cannot even imagine anyone over the age of 18 does not know that term and its meaning.

Well my post was flagged for whatever reason.

Besides the point.

Is there a better way to have both flying and no flying? To appease everyone?

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Don’t act as if you don’t know.

The Final Solution was the name of the campaign that caused the murder of millions of Jews. You could have read the multiple people asking to please change the thread name. Now I know you are a troll.

Just change the name, it is not that difficult.

Its far more likely than you feel it is. Point is, it’s nearing being 80 years old. I think if you want to bury a tragedy, and heal from it. You don’t freak out when a two letter phrase is used from two inconspicuous words in the english language.


Another one that thinks pathfinder was the idea of anti flyers .

It was either pathfinder or never flying again , blizzard decision . They didnt want us to fly in their content , simple as that .

There is a reason you do not see this combination of words used. Pretty much ever.

Unless it is a documentary about Hitler.

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Well then. Time has a way of closing all wounds and forgetting small details of tragedies. Policing your language here unto thereafter from what other people do is absurdity.


snowball mentality will have everyone on the flying servers for their convenience, still complaining about flying

same way a bunch of mythic guilds went horde and now we have complaining about how you have to go horde to be a mythic raider

pathfinder is the middle ground, it could use more iteration