Maintenance Extended

Three becomes five lol.


yup too bugs in it and dragons mail users have too much competition
with other toons

I contemplated life once and immediately decided that it was better than dead.

I make coconut paste in the food processor and add it to my coco bread its really good.


what about a girl and a fish lol.

That does sound good

Calling it now maintenance tomorrow.


it’s 19°, can i have my recess inside instead?


ponders if that’s too cold or too hot to be comfortable

Almost works both ways :slight_smile:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i didnt even notice till you said it.
guess I’ll toss in a movie.
That Reacher mini series on Amazon is half decent

I’m sick of this trash game, every time i get a little freetime in the morning there is maintenance over some trash no-one even asked for, some lame trading post. Maybe if it was for a raid or something actually cool, but its for some stupid costumes.


The most annoying thing for me is calling it “scheduled.”

Deciding this an hour before taking servers down might technically be “scheduled,” but if I don’t know about it the night before when I log out, it’s really not.

“Gaslighting” is severely overused/abused, but I think it appropriate here.

Anyway, other things I can be doing, so do them I shall. :slight_smile:


You’re a druid. Just shapeshift into a bear and you should be good to go outside.

Isn’t it great.

I guarantee you that new trading post will be swarmed upon in just about every server.

Shouldn’t the real question be why does this game always have so many issues and so much down time compared to other mmos. If they all had this many issues than its just the norm. If they dont than why does wow

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100% this.

Totally expecting that, Even if severs do come up by 11 or anytime today,I don’t plan on even touching the trading post til probally saturday at least.


Issues come with old age. Wait till the day you’re woken up in the middle of the night to go pee only to discover your prostate is so swollen you can’t go. At that point, though, the sensation to have to urinate becomes pleasurable. So not a total loss. Falling over because you fell asleep waiting is, though.

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FF14 tends to have downtime after major patches - and it’s worth noting their major patches take the servers down for a full 24 hours. the difference is, they do maintenance in JP time, which is middle of the night for the US, so we dont tend to notice as much

if blizzard took the servers down for a full day for patch releases this community would have a full meltdown