Maintenance Extended

That wont save you it will just take longer to reach you LOL the traffic jam will run you over worse than a drive by in Baltimore. You will be a victim like the rest of us LOL no escaping the bugs.

I’m betting they did that because people were complaining about the downtime lol. You got us Blizzard… good one!

It’s nice here in Florida. The rest of the country keeps getting random cold waves but we only go down to about 50 freedom units of heat.

But most days it’s in the high 70/low 80s which is abnormal but not uncommon we call ot fake spring.

I blame HAARP

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I already did that on the first extension. Now what?

That is not where I thought this comment was going.

so massive delays on maintenance tonight.
after a long maintenance last night?
so on my nights off Blizz has wow down most of the night?
they better add game time to our accounts for this bs.

Did you get the almond danish?


its 66 here in Fl :smiley: Maintenance Extended - #24 by Kaputkin-azuresong

For every winter there is a summer, for every raindrop a dry spell, for every cloud a blue sky, for every night a day

:slight_smile: I could go on but won’t subject you to more

got about 3ft of snow outside lol thats why im waiting to play wow instead!

Blizzard will not GAF!

I wonder what people would have said if the options were Trading Post or a Vendor with a once per week quest and a reward choice of 6 items. Different items each week. Once per account.

But with zero additional downtime.

Just extended again …1pm PST

Oh, Jesus Christ.




This is just ridiculously now …a 3rd extension…

It has been ridiculous from the jump. The game should never be down during this time. Do this crap overnight.


Ugh. Ok, forget WoW. I’ll see yall later, gonna go fire up FFXIV.

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They just wasted my whole day off. Like I don’t get days off during the week and I work 6 days a week a lot of times and finally have a day off. Now its to 1pm pst. Like why? over something they could disable and fix later? ugh…

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they added another hour! interns went for lunch.

blizz doesn’t stand for quality any more =( i would be ashamed to say i work at blizz


Now 1PM PST. “Scheduled” is doing a LOT of heavy lifting today. :rofl: