Maintenance complete -- November 7

This is not the tone to take anymore. The first time was fine, but not now. This is predictable, systemic incompetence and this is not the tone you should be taking.


When should I expect my $0.07 cent compensation check?


You wish…it will be on by breakfast

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blizz take all the time you need, we’re here waiting on the forums.

Thanks for the update but: Accurate would’ve been setting realistic expectations from the start. In the 12 years I’ve played major patch maintenance has ended on time… Once.


me, too…I hate daylight saving time…just leave it alone; the sun is pretty accurate all by itself.



I call out Blizz when there is something wrong, like Warriors or Monks right now. But the extended maintenance of a couple or few hours is nothing. Just go do something productive until it comes up.

If it were extended for days or weeks I could see wanting a refund. Not a few hours.

They’ll give compensation if it goes on long enough to match any actual loss.

Take your own advice. It’s times like these when I realize how addicted to this game some are, and it’s not pretty.

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until you jinx it. extension is for another 12 hours so you can enjoy it too

I work nights, so I get off at breakfast time.

And back then we would wait in lines at the game stores to get our new copy of the expansion. I totally miss that. It was good fun hanging out with fellow players!


…wow at this point why are you even giving a time? Just say soon and be done with it :smiley:

Lmao. I just got my bf playing and this is his first big patch day and he keeps checking it while I sit here and lol. Poor guy keeps having faith.


You… do realize that Kaivax was just poking fun at exactly what another poster was referencing right?


another hr

They’ve extended 3 times now. FFS.

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Why is everyone surprised. They’ve botched 90% of previous patches. Did you think this one would be any different. lol.


Thank you again. I hope you guys know we really appreciate you all and the updates.

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Here’s the good news: Genshin will be done by its scheduled 12am EST, if you try a little harder you can make it past where everyone will be playing it and no longer care

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Same here! Good ol’ days of meeting friends outside the house. = )

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no they haven’t lol