[Main Thread] Wrath Classic Sound Popping

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, FIX THIS POPPING!!! Its driving me insane, same as above, nothing stops it except not playing the game!!!


I reset my audio settings, was fine and then I saw a DK in combat and then it started crackling again. Might have to do with one of their abilities

I’m beginning to think it’s caused by Death Knight ability/abilities as well. The only time it happens for me is when there is a Death Knight (or numerous) nearby.

I am also getting this on Realtek HD with Sonic Studio - Maximus X ASUS

Was not an issue before patch and is not an issue on RETAIL wow either. Exclusive to Wrath Classic. I think it is also DK related. Soon as I go into the BG’s it kicks in.

Please fix ASAP.

I almost bought new headphones as well… I will try your fix once servers come back up this has been driving me insane.

Hey everyone!

Thank you all for your reports and added details. I can confirm that this appears to be a bug following the Wrath Classic pre-patch and the dev team is aware of the issue.

We apologize for the unexpected trouble and we’ll keep this thread updated when we have new information.


Thank you! Right now the only way to stop it while playing is to mute world of warcraft from the volume mixer app on windows. Relaunching the game stops it for a short while before it starts again.


Escape > System > Sound > Hardware > Game Sound Output

Change from default to whatever you’re using


This doesn’t work. Although, refreshing your audio by changing sound channel settings or something is a temporary solution.

*Note: Temporary. The crackling will come back.

currently stuck playing without any sound, glad they acknowledged the issue . Just blast music and ignore game popping sounds right now :frowning:


That’s what I did as well!

I’ve noticed it has something to do with a DK ability sound effect. For example I reset the game and there is no more popping noise until I hang around DK long enough for them to use all their abilities, and one of those abilities make the audio channel bug out.

Thank you sir, you are a absolute legend.

Edit: It still started doing it again like 30 mins later :frowning:

Blizzard plz fix

so the theory is obliterate causes it to start? cuz im on a pally and when i get out of AV it still constantly pops :frowning:

Well, the theory died hard.

Sadge. Blizzard just needs to have the devs take a look at it. Its unbelievably annoying and ruining my AV grind lol

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Yeah same, it happens in large fights or when a DK is defending a tower with me. More notably though it happens pretty consistently as I pass the large observation dome building in the center of AV, even if players are not fighting at the time that I pass it. A cause of it is definitely DK’s in some way, but it doesn’t seem to be the only cause sadly. It’s beginning to happen so often I waited in que for an hour and a half today and almost immediately got off because it was happening so much.

Read before posting.

If the spell can be nailed down, you should actually be able to remove the sound file from the game via the addon MuteSoundFile and going to their site and finding the corresponding Sound ID, Ive thought about trying to add every DK ability but I really don’t know which one is causing it.

That’s what I was trying to do, but I’ve given up for now. The game was in state where I could manually trigger the crackle by using basically any of my Death Knight abilities as far as I could tell. But when relaunching the game, I could no longer manually trigger it. It’s like something set the crackle off initially, and from there it could be manually triggered. What set it off though, I have no clue. May very well not be a specific ability. Mine’s Unholy, so I don’t think it’s activated (at the least, not consistently) by any of the buttons Unholies can push at 64.