[Main Thread] World Server down (Dec 6th)

Trying to log in, but getting world server down message when the loading bar fills up.


Down for me as well. Business as usual for Blizzard.


Same for me on Frostmourne.

World Server Down boss strikes again.


Area 52 has the same problem. Trying to get into Orgimar and either loading screen doesnt go away or get world server down


Same here - Proudmoore

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Moon Guard as well, server’s exploded.

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Area 52. Server issues as usual

Same for me on Stormrage

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Yep 15 dollar down server

Hellscream can’t be accessed in Stormwind or Dragon Isles, but I can log a lower level alt in to the Broken Isles.

Stormrage alliance as well world server down… man its getting old.

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Im on Duskwood a low server and was dc’ed

I’m all about ragging on blizzard(especially for azure span non-sense). That being said server downtime was supposed to be 2 hours today so perhaps cut em a break for the next 20 mins or so?


Same - Khadgar

Same problem here

I got in on Stormrage, but everything is pretty screwed up.

NO 15 dollar to make me hollar lol

Anvilmar same issue “World Server Down”.

same here!
Classic working fine though so I guess I’ll kill some time in there. LOL

Same on Arthas