Main Thread - LatAm Disconnects & Latency

same here, im from Chile

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Desde Chile muchos tenemos el mismo problema, logeas por un par de segundos y se desconecta, imposible jugar…espero se solucione pronto


Me pasa lo mismo, también desde chile. No es problema de mi conexión. Espero que se solucione luego o por lo menos se dignen a contestar.


Same here, from PERU


same here, Curitiba - Brasil


Same here, from Chile


What’s the problem ?


I came back to the game only to find ludicrously high numbers in my latency. 900-3000ms basically means I can’t do anything. Not even exit the game through the menu.

I did some tests at the looking glass and here are the results:
pastebin . com / EADLjgc3

Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.


If this post doesn’t get moved there, I would suggest reposting in the tech support forum.

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Wow, yes, my bad. Should I repost there or wait? (Forum noob I am, yes)

Since yesterday evening i am having extremely high latency and disconnects with your game (ONLY with WoW). Tried 2 completely different internet providers and same thing happens.
Has this anything to do with yesterday’s update?

This is not a problem with our internet providers , it’s either you blizzard or a driver problem caused with the last update.

We need a solution. Too many people having the same issue.


Thanks Haddaia , i agreed with you 100% , any other game online work fines !

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Lo mismo aquí. Como va a compensar esto blizzard?


Already posted on another thread, but same here in Argentina. Both retail and classic have been unplayable since Wednesday. Some guildies from US and Canada also having issuies but mostly latam people


I’m having the same issue, but I’m in Germany (I’m from the US but moved to Europe). It started around 6pm CET time for me. My ping right now gets to 300 - 2000 when it’s normally 80 - 100. It will work fine for a few minutes and then freeze and disconnect.

UPDATE: Thank you all for the continued reports! Due to the wide-ranging impact of these connectivity issues, if you are experiencing high latency and/or disconnects while connecting from a Latin America / South America ISP , please provide a WinMTR network test so that we can further investigate the problem. Here are the instructions:

  1. Download the tool from this page
  2. Enter the game IP into the “host” field. The IP address for our games are listed on the winMTR instructions page
  3. Start the test and play the affected game for at least 15 minutes. Ensure the problem (disconnect or high latency) occurs while the WinMTR tool is running.
  4. After recording the problem data, click “export text” and save the winMTR file in an easy to find location.
  5. Once you have that made, open the file. You’ll need to copy and paste the contents of the Text document into the post, and put four Tilde ( ~ ) marks above the winMTR. It’ll look like this:
WinMTR goes here

If you have issues pasting here, please use Pastebin and post the link (ex: Pastebin (dot) com/123456).

guy in latam forum found problem with " IP "


Adding my own WinMTR. Problem started yesterday at 7pm (Argentina), this morning worked fine but again the high latency started today, at the same hour. The same problem happens with every other Blizzard product, but not with other games - I tried DotA for example and worked perfectly, but not Diablo III nor Hearthstone. Even Warcraft III gets stuck in loading screen.

I’ve done a speed test and my connection is working fine. I can download and watch streamed videos without any issue.

pastebin (dot) com/WrJSbQqR

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Im having the same issues, any reason for this ?

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Same is happening to me in Argentina, game is unplayable unless using the exitlag vpn or another. I’m having constant world and home ping of 2000 ms or more.
ISP is Fibertel, already talked to them and they say to talk with you. So the ball bouncing started…
It’s not just me, people in the guild from Canada and the US is having the same issue.