Bump. Also cannot log into the game.
Bump same issue.
Also cannot log on, getting error code WOW51900127
Just tried logging in: You have been disconnected. (WOW51900127)
i dc naw i can conect
Same here but by error number WOW51900123
good opportunity to make posts about how bad the crafting system is for gamers. I just subbed this week and cannot believe you people are ok with this nonsense.
Same here!
well, at least it isn’t just me.
mine is WOW51900128.
I guess since I’m wide awake and can’t sleep right now, I’ma go try to browse Guilds for WoW and Diablo.
its about time I joined one so I have some people to talk to in game.
dd the suver crash
Anyone getting BLZ51900001 error?
i cant conet to eney of the game i gust tide
Also same.
Can’t log in either.
I’ve got wow51900128, wow51900127, repeated wow51900123.
Refund sub thankyou
All errors i’ve been getting for the last30 mins
it looks to b wow and D4 hots werks fine
Yeah seems to be having an issue if you aint logged in… cant log in last 30 mins
I brought Dragonflight 35mins ago and cant log in i broke wow it seems lol
im on Khazgoroth