Trying to transfer to Eranikus. My mailbox is cleared but I’m getting an error for mail in the mailbox.
Thadowbolt - Benediction.
Trying to transfer to Eranikus. My mailbox is cleared but I’m getting an error for mail in the mailbox.
Thadowbolt - Benediction.
Mailbox error here too on two toons
Riimbus - Faerlina
Ibubbleherth - Faerlina
Could i have my mailbox purged before transfer please?
Linguino - human dk benediction. Thank you!
Please purge mine as well.
Elvar - Faerlina
Edit: I was able to transfer, thank you.
can you clear Nukeu-Faerlina
Please purge mailbox for Astrafyre on Faerlina. Cannot transfer server, no shown mail. Thank you.
Please Purge My Mail Nothing is showing on Mankrik Voidhart
i have invisible mail want to transfer out of benediction on raingoat
Please Purge my priest’s mailbox to enable transfer to another realm please.
Character : Skádí
Realm : Faerlina
Please purge my Paladins mailbox Cerras nee to transfer him
Character: Cerras
Realm: Grobbulus
…and…? marakiwi s still missing
Can I please have a mailbox purge too in Classic?
WoW2 (EU) - Gehennas - Sxs
Can i please have my mail purged on whitemane - ravenknight please and thank you
Hey may I have a Mailbox purge on this character please
Hi looking to have my rogues mailbox cleared* hes churchy on fearalina. please be somewhat timely with your response. Believe me when i say it matters LoL
It will be taken care of as soon as the staff gets in for the day. They’ve been rather on top of it for the past week or so, rather than making people wait on tickets to be resolved or the mail to come through on their own.
Mailbox purge request for WOTLK classic
Character- Releasecata
Realm- Sulfuras
Requesting a mailbox purge as well please
Character - Warmajindrat
Server - Faerlina
Mailbox Purge Request.
Server: Faerlina
Character: Ragecàge
Not showing I have mail but wont let me transfer, Please and Thank you very much.
Mailbox purge request.
Server: Gehennas (EU)
Character: Sadén
Reason: Not showing any mail in the ingame mailbox, preventing me from transferring of to a different realm.