Mailbox Purge - Active Thread

Requesting mail purge for Realm transfer
WotLK Classic
Region: EU
Realm: Venoxis
Character: Shichibi

Thank you <333

Can you please purge my mailbox on Slappo - Myzreal

I have a bugged froststeel lockbox stuck in my mail from when you guys deleted them in prepatch I guess.

Thank you

Everyone should be good to this point. :slight_smile:

Requesting Purge for;
Robbinz - Sulfuras

Trying to follow my guildies with free transfer and been stuck with mail error for 2 days

Should be clear now.

After all the frustration, issue resolved…thank you my friend.

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Can you please clear my mailbox too, kind soul?

You should be good now.

Says I have mail but theres no mail, trying to do paid xfer.

Name - Donation
Server - Eranikus

You should be good now.

Requesting a mailbox purge please, trying to transfer and say I have mail <3
Name- Dromaras

Please purge the mailbox<3

Skanga orc shamman - gehannas (EU)

Dromaras - you should be good.

Skanga has a LOT of AH mails that I am loathe to touch, Skangä. Also if you have any active auctions still up - clearing these won’t help either.

Can you clear the mail’s anyways? Don’t think there are auctions up anymore. Tyvm!

As you wish - done.

Tyvm you are the best!

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Can you purge my mail box? Baäl

That is gold and a mail you should be able to access, are you sure?

I can’t see it, it says my acc is trial… can you solve this?

Looks like you just resubbed and your order is queued.

Once that all processes - it should sort itself out. I’d really recommend you NOT have this one deleted. It’s quite a little bit of gold.

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