Maiev is more resilient than the Lich King

“Maiev is the most powerful character in Warcraft Lo-”


A fully fledged Maiev experience on mobile ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

Edit: I really gotta stop with all this edgy humor, it’s gonna get me into so much trouble.


Virtual novel starring Maiev. Make it happen Blizz.


No one tell blizzard what my initial link was :shushing_face:

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Why not a Bayonetta Type game with Maiev?


Because I want to take Maeiv-Senpai to an ice cream shop and talk about her day at work killing filthy magi.


Stop, you’re gonna get my thread deleted.


But, we only want to talk about the oral skills of Maiev; Of ice cream of course.
P.D: Plz im only joking,don´t ban me again. : (

Every other expansion adds a new class, clearly Wardens should be next. Horde can have Murderhobo or something else fitting.

They can’t add playable Wardens, they’d be too OP. Can’t balance.

Wowpedia only has one happening of her leaving the prison, and it’s coincidentally the time that allowed Illidan to escape.

And as we all know, WoWpedia is the sole arbiter of Warcraft canon and anything that isn’t on her page doesn’t exist.


Can you provide multiple examples of her leaving?

Pal. Buddy. Friendo.

Did you not read the comment you responded to?

“She had been places on Azeroth that were just as parched, but something about Hellfire Peninsula made her feel thirstier than she had been even in the desert of Tanaris.”

Do you need me to help break that down for you or…?


No, apparently I need to break it down for you.

She’s in Hellfire because she’s hunting Illidan. Because he’s already escaped.

I’m actually in awe of this comment. You really threw me off my game for a moment there. This is a level of missing the point I did not know the human mind was capable of.

She’s been to Tanaris, dude. And other places like it. And she went to them before Illidan escaped because she followed Illidan to Outland and didn’t leave until after he was killed.


When do we get to kill Tyrande and Malfurion so Maiev can finally take over the Alliance?

… Xavius, you had one job. You corrupted an entire zone and an Aspect, but you couldn’t corrupt the soap opera duo…

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She’s a member of an immortal race who was born before Illidan was imprisoned. Or, what, did you think she was born a grown woman the second Illidan needed a jailer?


Tanaris used to be a jungle and territory of the Gurubashi Empire. When the Great Sundering shattered the ancient landmass, the area swiftly became the desert of Tanaris. The Farraki tribe of trolls were stranded here and eventually adapted to their harsh new environment, becoming sand trolls.

I’d love to hear how Maiev supposedly traveled to the desert of Tanaris before it became a desert.