Victon, Faxon, Duramass - Great times raiding in WoW
BullRage - Tauren Tank
NitePredator Orc Hunter
Victon, Faxon, Duramass - Great times raiding in WoW
BullRage - Tauren Tank
NitePredator Orc Hunter
Hi Papamamba!! Mayana here!! Djazheer and I still play but switched to Alliance and raid on Zangarmarsh/Hellscream live, tried classic but just don’t have time for both. Torghon is playing classic horde and I believe raiding, I can find out where if you are interested in hooking up with him. Phant, and Liryan haven’t played WoW in a long time but we keep in touch and I haven’t seen either mention classic.
Headhunterss Troll-Holy Priest- Flatline