Densetsu - Orc Warrior
Sinful Envy / Without Remorse
Looking for any homies I used to world PvP or BG with!
Densetsu - Orc Warrior
Sinful Envy / Without Remorse
Looking for any homies I used to world PvP or BG with!
Papamamba - Troll Priest, mostly Holy
Katalin - Undead Warlock, mostly Affliction
Taurist - Tauren Warrior, Arms/Prot
Guilds (that I can remember): Legions of Insanity, Clan Rum, Derailed
Hi folks
Marlung! I remember you Papamamba, troll priest in Clan Rum.
And there was… Djazheer, Mayana, Nvidian, Torghon… Phantasmo? I don’t remember whether he was ever in the guild, but he led raids a lot. I’m probably misspelling everyone’s character names. Half a lifetime ago. I’m glad you’re still here.
He buddy. We signed up on the Herod server. It be fun to run some stuff again with you.
Boralathan - orc warlock
Guilds - Booty Bay Badgers, Apex, ATF, Envy, Sinful Envy
I think I remember you. I remember Wtcrimmer, Djazheer, Phantasmo, Liryan, & Azliel? I was an Orc Shaman in Clan Rum but I don’t remember the name I used since I quit shortly before or after the guild split up into D e r a i l e d and gave my account away to a friend.
Hi old friends.
I remember you Night, don’t remember if we ever ran anything though. I played Tinky, a 60 Tauren Shaman before some goof reported my name.
I’m Looking for any of the superiority complex folks I played with in TBC, My name was Manus/Shamoo I played a resto shaman main I joined up with them in SWP, would be great to catch up with any of them.
HMU on discord Manus#0409
You and Drakk I remember hehe. Should join up on the discord Joho is posting.
i was ipood - undead priest
dugona - orc warrior
looking for
slainthrax - orc warrior
foofighter - undead warrior
or anyone from doka
Anyone need a rogue?
Go to the Discord I posted and you will find some Doka people
Sapata, Tauren Druid, Sinful Envy and later Vacuous
Would be really cool to meet up with any of my former guildies!
BORA!!! Omg! I remember you!
Musafa - Tauren Druid
Najah - Troll Mage
Guilds: Apex, Envy, Sinful Envy, Booty Bay Badgers
If I could find Trovao, my life would be complete.
Garekk! It’s Quetzacoatl - I’ll be playing classic… what server are you going to be playing on?
Vermin - Orc Warlock
Clan Rum/The Socialist Party/Anti Heroes/Deemed Inappropriate/whichever guild that was where Doomoi was leading raids if it wasn’t one of the ones I already named
I think I may have been in Derailed at some point. I can’t remember if I briefly followed a friend there or went somewhere else, but I definitely played with Derailed people often
Also occasionally played my Undead Warrior alt named Anhur
Just curious what everyone from the old days is up to. I’m still in contact with Nibo (undead priest)/Lasker (tauren shaman) - same guy; 2 characters
I haven’t seen Vandit, but I definitely remember you. I forgot some of the guilds I was in until I saw you list yours
Faxon - Orc Hunter - Vexation
Vermin please check out
We got over 300 old school Mag players in there reuniting to go to the same server.