Magtheridon Horde Reconnections

Zarah - Troll priest. Was in Angry Nerds, Surreal and Monolith.
Nerdzoid - Undead rogue. Played in Angry Nerds mostly.

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Asmoline looking for his Asmodine.

(Undead Priest/Mage)

Gankatron - Undead Mage
Betryal - Tauren Druid

Hello Old friends.

i remember you man! I off/main tanked in deemed and anti heroes. you were always complaining about other resto druids throwing rejuv on me and knocking yours off!

Mushpotatoes - Undead Mage

I can’t recall the guild, but I do remember downing a single boss in the spider wing of Naxx before we fizzled and waited for BC.

Bloodstorm - Guild Intoxication
Trying to reconnect with Thorgan Melothian Yosef others


Looking for R U N members

Nighttblade - Sedition and Deciples of Death

It’s Mishayla-Priest From Deviants. Azznik and I are on Suramar now.

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Tension - Tauren Shaman
Guilds: Recipe for Hate, Exiled


magtheridon vanilla discord


remove the underscores… wouldn’t allow links


Noris from shadow council/Exiled


I know Rogrim, he was in both those guilds. Orc Warrior. I briefly had a tauren hunter over there, not sure that i made it into any of the same guilds as he did though. Her name was MooDeLew, RIP lvl 60

Garekk here, I was in Exiled and the one before that, before Fafnier server transferred. I can’t remember what it was called! So many names I recognize here, Dozer, Tension, Arkayo, I hope you’re all doing well!


Joho Tauren Warrior
The Requiem

Hope to reconnect with everyone.
We have a Discord server with over 200 old school Magtheridon players.
We are looking at all of us going to the same server. Please join if you are interested. We want to make our old community again


Hi Trees, it’'s nice to see you around. We have a lot of old school Mag players in this Discord gathering.

Hope you join u

Gabrinic - Undead Warrior (Tank)
Without Remorse

Lemod is also still around. (Orc Shaman)

Crazy to see all these Exiled and Requiem guys still around. Our guild always tried to catch up to guys.

Where is Gixet!


Fethos - Undead Mage

Not 100% on guild names. I remember The Monolith I think?

Wow i used to be scare of crossing your way in bg’s as an alliance player. Good to see you arround Joho, i am going horde this time, hope to have you on my side.

Daaaaamn Joho i remember your high warlord grind. Good times