Mag'har and Forsaken Greatness

I think they would know, at the very least, that the Horde leadership gave the order.

Negative. I am not talking about a change of heart. I’m talking about the Nightborne and Highmountain joining the Horde without ever having had an understanding of Sylvanas or what the Horde was like outside of the Blood Elves and Tauren that aided them respectively, as those quotes are reflective of.

If neither the Nightborne or Highmoutain did, there’s not a lot of reason to believe the Mag’har did, either.


Your old GM does not sound like a spectacularly aware individual.

Earthquakes in Japan had wrecked entire sections of towns and they had them rebuilt in less than a year. (Though Japan does have some amazing civic infrastructure.) Now imagine if they had access to magic.


Exactly, magic was the very first thing we told him when he dropped that little… little gem of a headcanon… hell, using that Japan example, Stormwind took longer than they should have to rebuild the Park.

Yes you are.

“We were down for the cause until {insert event} happened.”

Hell even the quote you posted says “I have learned much through our conversations.”.

What were they talking about, best product to use in your hair before battle? You mean that you’re not the least bit interested in Teldrassil, Sylvanas, and the Horde’s background.

What idiotic leaders we have.

No I’m not (also I find it particularly odd that you’re insisting on trying to tell me what my point is?). Here’s the highlights of what I’m talking about:

Hell, that Thalyssra is still exclusively getting her insight from the Blood Elves and still needs them to fill her in on what’s going as current events happen only makes the Nightborne look even further insulated from the rest of the Horde.


Why are you trying to tell him what he’s trying to say? He’s the one who’s saying it.


In every one of your examples a specific event happened that caused a member of an allied race to essentially question the Horde. I’m not saying that there are things that the allied factions don’t know but later find out. TBH, I’m not quite sure why we’re even on the subject.

I feel like there are certain things that every allied leader SHOULD know within weeks of joining their faction.

A few examples of things that I think they should know within weeks of joining the Horde:

  • Organizational Structure
  • History of their current Warchief
  • Recent Military Battles, and the results
  • Knowledge of the other races, and fighting styles
  • Major historic battles

I think Iron Stars leaving a trails of blight would be pretty neat. :skull::+1:


This, however, is what I am saying. I’m saying that every one of my examples indicates towards that the allied races didn’t know a lot about the Horde before they joined (such as the examples you listed) and still don’t and are only finding out about it now (such as needing to go to Lor’themar to learn even more about what they don’t know).

As for why we’re on this subject, tracing back, it stems from Grandblade having a similar thought on Geya’rah likewise having likelihood of not knowing much about this Horde or Sylvanas, either:

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Geya’rah is someone who almost immediately after setting foot on Azeroth swore to exterminate the Draenei and everyone they’re affiliated with.

I really highly doubt her support of Sylvanas is born out of ignorance of her actions.


I mean, that’s kind of a bad example, given that she didn’t seek out any form of context. She just heard that Draenei were here and decided they needed to die. She didn’t bother to push further, depriving her of the information of how the Exodar or Lightforged Draenei were different than the Lightbound (although it’s unlikely she would’ve found out from that interaction).

Geya’rah is being established as someone who runs a mile with very little information.


mag’har were never demon slaves. :rofl:


  • Gallywix doesn’t care, he’s just in it for profit. Also side note, as a Bilgewater main it was super cool to see Boss Mida actually doing something.
  • Lor’themar is clearly just biding his time and waiting for a more opportune time to move against Sylvie; but sympathizes with Baine.
  • Rokhan openly recognizes that Sylvie is the source of the contention in the Horde; but his immediate priority is to focus on the war.
  • Talanji states she is not willing to follow Sylvanas blindly, regardless of debts.
  • Thalyssra REALLY sympathizes with Baine’s choice.
  • Mayla shows regret even joining the Horde.
  • Rexxar is pissed … and is apparently going to tell on Sylvie.
  • Garona is literally just trying to keep her head low, she’s not allied to Sylvie.
  • Eitrigg is actively concerned that Sylvie is turning the Horde into something he hates.
  • Voss is pissed.

But … Geya’rah and the Mag’har; the Horde Allied race and leader who are from an entirely different timeline and world; who have known Sylvanas and the Forsaken for like … 5 months tops; and who joined the Horde due to misconceptions about what it (and Sylvanas) were due to interactions with the Horde PC AND Eitrigg (the later of which is questioning Sylvanas now) … vouches for loyalty to Sylvie. Ayup, that certainly stands for a lot! Take pride in that! :smiley:


If anything, Geya’rah came out looking like a naïve fool who didn’t have the slightest idea as to what Sylvanas has been up to and just stood by her because ‘honor’ dictated it.

Girl, you need to do some research.


Just wait till Sylvanas betrays you Gey’arah.


Then who the hell is “knowledge like how to be slaves to demons” for?

Also don’t use the joy emoji, this isn’t instagram you Unholy thot.

Edit: Oh it’s for Xanthine. I suppose by that logic, Trolls only have knowledge like how to be slaves to Hakkar.



Gotta use the facilities under Org for something.

To me it’s unsurprising that Gey’arah has a negative reaction to Baine freeing Derek. In Orcish culture you don’t go behind your warchief or chieftains back and subvert them. Instead you openly challenge them to mak’gora if you seriously disagree with the way they are leading things. This in addition to the fact that these orcs are very jingoistic.