Mag'har and Forsaken Greatness

Oh I completely understood the reasoning, but the OP said they where pulling their weight the most out of the allied races, when they’ve literally had the shortest presence. I just think it’s giving a bit too much credit to what they’ve done since 8.1, it ain’t much. But I know that’s a matter of opinion really.

I will say I enjoyed reading Geya’rah’s reaction to the confrontation with Baine, because she so perfectly fit the character of an Orc from Old Draenor, putting loyalty to her Warchief above all because it’s honorable. I feel like she has the same mind as Saurfang did 20 years ago, but she has yet to have to make a decision between loyalty and honor, because she thinks they are the same, and are incapable of being separate.

But if she stays with Sylvanas, I’m afraid she’ll just become another Warlord Zaela. Another disposable Orc.

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I wonder since the Forsaken and the Mag’har are squarely aligned, will any of those with neutral-ish leaders come around and join Sylvanas and Geya’rah. Just imagine their reactions when Sylvanas delivers some Proudmoore heads on platters and spikes and that pendulum starts swinging her way again. I can’t wait to see whats in store.

Given that all we have is Geya’rah saying she approves of one of Sylvanas’s decisions, I would hardly say that means they’re “squarely aligned.”

I hope you’re not married to this scenario.

On that matter I find that I still have very strong confidence that Geya’rah will ultimately flip sides.

Mostly because I believe that Sylvanas is ultimately going to betray, or be revealed to have already betrayed, the Horde on an existential (rather then merely a moral) level, which would likely violate Geya’rah’s conception of honor.

I think that’s were cdev is going with her quote.

There’s a possibility that I’m wrong, but there’s a possibility that I’m right. In any case the pendulum will swing back in Sylvanas favor.

Gonna need a sauce b0ss.

Or they were just including that because she’s brand new to Horde, knows basically nothing about Sylvanas’s actions or the Horde’s history, and they didn’t want every single character to be expressing concern over her actions.

Furthermore, Geya’rah =/= all of the Mag’har.


Oh lawd, you gonna make me go find articles and videos. I remember one of the wow youtubers asking if the developers if they had to balance the bad things that happen to each faction.

I also remember Terran talking about how Terror of Darkshore was the NE’s time to shine, which to me implies sort of a balancing act between factions.

Now I vaguely remember reading or watching one of the developers speak directly to the pendulum swinging, it may take me a few to find it. The only doubt I have is I’m mixing it up with some of my school work, but give me a few.

I take issue with this. I find it difficult to believe that she hasn’t asked or been told about the Horde’s major points especially her current Warchief’s.


That is a source. That is what we have in arguments to give credence to them.

They did that already (kind of). You recall how this expansion started?

If you type this, stop and look at yourself.

Could it be possible, given the timing of these interviews, they were speaking towards the Alliance’s payback rather than Sylvanas rising again? Cause it doesn’t sound like you’ve given any definitive proof.

Please refer to my first comment on this thread. Anyone who says “loyalty = honor” amongst a group of people who built the Horde largely upon rebellion doesn’t know their history.

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Danuser acknowledges that, so far, the narrative has been focused on the Horde. “All wars have ebbs and flows,” he said. “One side takes the upper hand for a while, and the other side gets their turn.” The Horde fired the first volley, but the upcoming raid and new warfront are both centered around telling an Alliance story. Right now, [the story’s focus is on the NightElves]

Yeah, again, that sounds like he’s referring to the Alliance getting their time. I already said this.


I think only time will tell.

I mean, this turned out to be the case for the Nightborne and now the Highmountain as well, so not sure why the Mag’har would be an exception.

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I’ve been around long enough to know that’s not true.

We literally have instances of Nightborne and Highmountain - specifically higher ups like Thalyssra, Mayla, and Valtrois - questioning if “THIS is what the Horde stands for.” Why on earth wouldn’t someone who’s never been to Azeroth before, and has only just experienced the current Horde within the year know less than them?


Arcanist Valtrois

    I was skeptical of the Forsaken when I first joined the Horde, but was assured that they chose their state of undeath willingly. This, however...

    The nightborne suffered greatly under the Legion’s heel. The atrocities I witnessed… it is distressing how much I am reminded of them now. I will leave it at that.

First Arcanist Thalyssra

    Our rebellion against Elisande was just, and it earned me a blade in the back. I pray Baine does not meet a similar fate.

    The nightborne are still new to the Horde. Perhaps I should seek Lor’themar’s council. He understands what my people have endured, and I have learned much through our conversations.

Mayla Highmountain

    Is this what the Horde stands for? Imprisoning those who act with compassion and honor?

    Perhaps my people should have never left Highmountain…


I’ve read those quotes before, what I’m talking about is completely different. You’re talking about a change of heart due to current events or a recent mission. I’m talking about the leader of a faction asking about the Horde’s history and getting the scoop on their new Warchief. Yes I find it hard to believe that they wouldn’t know or ask about Sylvanas past with extreme emphasis on her highlights ie the burning of Teldrassil.

I’m not talking about a faction changing its mind after witnessing a new specific event. I’m talking about the leaders asking about the history of the Horde, especially their Warchief ie. I find it very insulting to think that all of the allied leaders of the Horde to be clueless about Teldrassil.

You mean to tell me you think it’s insulting to say that the Allied leader who only just arrived in the midst of the war after the Legion invasion and Burning of Teldrassil is gonna be more ignorant than the two who were around for both?

I find it odd that any allied leader that’s been in the Horde for longer than a week to not know about Teldrassil, or to know highlights such as Sylvanas(the current Warchief of the Horde) common background.

Sure, they’ll know about Teldrassil, but do you think they’re gonna be given full context? Do you think Sylvanas, who clears out Grommash Hold so that the hero and her secret police keep a secret mission, is above omitting context?

They know.

They don’t care.

Orcs as they’ve been written in the last eight years or so kind of suck, in general.

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