Mage tower

Dreadful isn’t needed. At this point no real special gear is needed. I just did it in my normal tanking gear. I just made a few tweaks. Use damage trinkets if you have them. Survivability really isn’t the issue so long as you are moving and controlling the debuff. Don’t really need special potions or flasks either. I didn’t even bother with drums.

I took Convoke with 1 minute CD as well just to have another short CD DPS option that could burst damage. Basically I took every DPS talent I could, with an emphasis on lazer bear stuff.

Biggest thing is just getting used to it and developing a pattern that works for you.

Always be moving.

Also make sure to take Incap Roar. A few times I found my DPS wasn’t going to get the nether’s down in time and an incap roar will save your butt in that case and the CD is such that its usually up everytime you need it. now with getting 32s Barkskin, should be easier in P2 as well to cycle between BS, SI, RoTS. Pulverize could be an option as well, but I didn’t try it.

Some of it will come down to luck. Getting a bad spawn or just not paying attention for 1/2s can lead to getting booted off the platform.

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Awesome, thank you! I look forward to trying it out tomorrow!

my advice, if you aren’t feeling you are making progress…stop.

I did the original on legion. Did the newest version, first attempt as early in DF and just wasn’t feeling it after 5 attempts so I stopped. Then about a month ago I said to myself “I’m doing this…tonight”. My goal at first wasn’t to beat it, I wanted by run 10 to get into P2 consistantly. Then next 10 runs my goal was to get into P2 in control and set up better.

Funny part is I nearly beat it on run #4 and got the boss to 3%, but I wasn’t ready and didn’t manage my CDs properly and died. At first I was worrying about trying to keep my infernal to 1 going into P2, but eventually realized with basically almost backpedalling or strafing in a circle (or combination there of) I could avoid almost everything, zap all the eyes, and move around the beams. I used the orbs in P2 proactively usually just if I felt I was getting overwhelmed. It would buy me a few seconds to regroup and go back at it. Ended up downing it on run #17.

Really just about getting comfortable with the encounter and finding the rhythm.

Rofl, only 100? Last time I attempted it was last expansion I had over 460 attempts and the best I got it was 5%, I heard it’s a joke now, probably need to go back and one shot it.

Just got the mage tower this morning, second attempt.

Some things I did that made it much easier second try was using drums immediately at the start of the fight along side a potion of unbridled wrath (did 8% of my overall damage). I buffed with the following:

war-scroll of fortitude
war-scroll of battle shout
howling rune
veiled augment rune
drums of deathly fury
boralus blood sausage
greater flask of currents

For gear, I was in my dragonflight gear with the annulet ring (storm infused, prophetic twilight, and desirous blood) which did 4.5% of my overall damage. Trinkets I used Battle-scarred scale and crimson gladiator’s insignia of alacrity (I didnt have anything better).

Phase 1, I popped drums and wrath pot on pull along with RoTS and incarn. Did as much DPS as I could before getting 5 stacks, moonfired eyes if they popped, and then ran around the fire on the ground spamming moonfire until adds spawned. Grouped adds, incap roar them during cast, and continued to aoe them down. If boss drain lifes, I used focus skull bash macro to kick it.

This phase went really fast. I only got 1 infernal and 1 set of adds.

Second phase, I used the orbs on the ground (had 3) to CC the boss/adds and do as much dps as I could. RoTS came off CD and I popped that and went ham. Got 2 sets of adds during this phase. Almost died once because incap wasnt off CD for one set of adds but clutched it with frenzied regen and renewal. Biggest thing on this phase is defensives for annihilation and kick the twisted reflection (this is HUGE, dont let him heal ever).

Phase 2 went much faster than I expected, and I was actually shocked when he died because I was focusing on everything else not his hp.

Thank you all for the advice! I’m loving the new form!!!

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Well, if that ain’t some Sh…Congratz.

Actually its great to hear that this was soo easy…maybe The new exp made the others easier? Might try to run a Alt or Two through to see if i can snag some cool mogs

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Took 200 attempts in SL for me, 4 tries in DF without anything special. No potions and no drums and no special enchants, with Feral weighted stats (so high Mastery/Crit).

I’m honestly attributing it to having more defensives to cycle through and a lot higher damage output thanks to talents as compared to the past

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Yeah, I stacked haste and it felt pretty good. I main boomkin and was very surprised at how much damage bear does…like I was getting 13k moonfires at one point…on a boss with 60k hp. wtf lol…