What does that have to do with your assertion? Oh right, nothing.
You can spend real life money on gold.
The wristpad broke because my keyboard fell off my lap desk. But I am still missing a key.
Hot take lol…
Just because you’re the least competitive person ever doesn’t mean others don’t find it fun. I’d have zero fun on this game if it weren’t for pvp. Someone has to lose; and I say…damn right.
That hurt to read.
Damn right!
Do you not understand basic math?
Make a super hard game that only 1,000 people want to pay $15/month for: your profit is $15,000 per month. Your game dies.
Make a game that is fun for 10 million people: your profit is $150,000,000 per month. Your game continues to exist.
Who matters more? The 1,000 people who want a hard game that dies from its own stubbornness, or the millions who play games for fun and keep the game alive?
By your logic, we should make raids so stupid easy, everyone can do it without any effort and bosses just fall over and die just to please the masses.
I mean… we have LFR
I mean heroic because it gives a mount end of expansion, or mythic for mount. He’s logic is questionably bad.
They literally did that
Agreed. I would love that. LFR is overtuned IMO. I don’t think all raids should be that easy because not everyone likes it, but there should be an option like what you described for people like me who would prefer it.
If you think LFR is overtuned, you would never do FFXIV raids without dying non stop their “LFR equivalent” is our version of normal raids. People just got good at it.
I don’t do any raids. Seven years of Final Fantasy XI ruined group content for me forever.
Honestly wow is doing that to me. I’m thinking I may just skip the upcoming raid entirely and come back when its legacy content and solo it.
Getting real tired of story content forcing me into raids all the time. Would rather raids go back to how they were. Nifty little side content that people can choose to do for an optional challenge. Not have it be a requirement to finish story. Keep story in the world of warcraft not the instance of warcraft.
I don’t.
I would quite happily retry a challenge over and over and over ad nauseum. I did it on Mario and Link and a myriad of other games and was happily looking forward to do it again for this.
But I am not willing to:
- up characters to lvl 50 and lose Chromie Time on them
- spend hours reading guides to find out the gear, enchants, ect. needed and where and how to get them
- spend months farming (because I do not have the gold) and leveling professions for all that
I specifically resubbed for Mage Tower and am so disappointed in how they choose to implement it.
Sounds like a you problem. If you are breaking your toys because it’s too hard, that’s on you.
Agreed. I dont mind a challenge, hell I’m a souls veteran so masochistic challenge is something I enjoy when its in that type of setting.
But this tower is not that setting. Overtuned, forced to look up guides, farm all kinds of nonsense because blizz can’t scale my current gear correctly. Like no that’s not the challenge I want. Thats not even a real challenge, that’s just poo.
See, the problem with that.
Some people have these things called physical impairments.
They make it really hard to function at super high levels for extended periods, or at all.
Those people like to play games and be part of comunities where such things wouldn’t negatively impact them, that’s why they typically play MMO type games, with slower action and the like so they can play at a level that is comfortable for them and they enjoy.
For harder content they can’t do cause of that, they tend to ‘over gear’ the content so they can level the playing field to make up for said physical impairment.
MT in it’s current form, completely disregards that in favor of ‘Hnnng gitgud’ mentality.