Mage Tower too difficult? Boycott it

I’m all for maintaining the integrity of the mage tower’s challenging nature. Let’s remember that in legion, we had access to not just consumables, but absolutely bonkers legendaries. Literally 15-26 legendaries available per class (Only can equip a max of 2).

Point is, the mage tower was designed at a time where there were tools to the players’ disposal that we don’t have access to anymore (even though a few legendaries became talents). I’ve already spent 50k in consumes in the past 35 hours & i’m quite frankly done until they make the mage tower more of a fair challenge like it was in legion.

Edit: All of these consumes were for the Guardian druid tank challenge by the way. 80+ wipes to date.


omg i love bop-it! :heart_eyes:

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The mage tower is so annoying. When I do a challenge it just makes me glad I never have to do it again. Because of bad rng related mechanics. The satisfaction comes from never having to do it again, not the experience lol.

can i please have a LFR versión? no mount, no mog, just maybe an achievement.

If you like pokemon I suggest playing world of final fantasy and ffx hd remaster and ff13-2. Those have pokemon like systems in them very satisfying. World of final fantasy is weird since it has chibi art but still the combat is fun enough.

I don’t think a boycott works if you are still paying to play the game. Blizzard doesn’t care if you do don’t do the content. If the metrics are down then they just won’t make more of that content.

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Yes, it is!

A skill issue for the developers.


I agree that these should be nerfed, but if the non-“leet” players boycott them, the success metrics will be higher and devs may use that as justification that the current nerfs are enough.

So I think we should just go in and fail to our heart’s content. (Just don’t waste tens of thousands of gold on consumables.)

Not everyone is here for a challenge

Like what’s going on here? Do people think everyone plays wow because they are seeking some challenging content? Why would people do that? Aren’t there more challenging games out there?


I understand this. But the mage tower is meant to be at least somewhat of a challenge. Not a mythic raider only kind of challenge but it should require at least some effort since it is meant to test your knowledge of your class.

Winning what? RNG lottery of badly tuned mess that mage tower is?

matter of perspective. you must only have wanted layer 8 twisted corridors too. some of us just want to experience the game on a superficial level. but w/e

Spend gold on consumables or real life money on hardware.


Everything is some kind of a challenge to someone, Blizz just has to decide where they want the Mage Tower to be on the spectrum.

Of course, the WoW developers are too arrogant to admit, let alone fix, their mistakes. They not only bungled the initial tuning of this MT by not testing it, but they also bungled yesterday’s nerfs despite their announcement days ago to bring the more difficult ones in line with the easier ones.


Hyperbole much?

I’d suggest Blizz saying who the challenge is meant for :slight_smile:

But it doesn’t really matter, time will nerf it, people only care right now because it’s new :+1:

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Why don’t you consider overcoming challenges fun? Some people play sports, or learn chess for the challenge.


It does nothing for me and never has. I don’t get a reward chemical for overcoming challenges. Other people do.

I hate sports.

I learned chess as a child and was quite good. I didn’t care for the competitive aspect, however. I only played for a couple of years and at school, so once I learned the game, I always won against everyone I played. At first, I kind of enjoyed it because I liked the game, but I quickly started to avoid playing people I had beaten because I felt bad for them. I regretted beating them, but I wasn’t willing to be defeated either.

It has always been that way for me.

I don’t like competition because somebody has to lose, and there’s no reason for anyone to lose. I’d rather just do my own thing and not impact someone else.

So I stopped playing Chess and started playing video games.

There are half a dozen posts if not more saying they are unsubbing if they don’t get their items…

Soo no not hyperbole.