Mage (re-roll) LF raiding guild (12/12M-CE exp)


I’m trying my luck here, but I sincerely hope you do give us a consideration. We are an Alliance-Frostmourne based guild and are generally targeting players with lower mythic experience because of our late formation at the last few weeks of 8.3, and therefore we ourselves are unable to provide a solid background to recruit CE players. Due to this nature we are unable to recruit enough members to do mythic NYA and have collectively decided to prepare for mythic Castle Nathria instead.

Briefly, we are a collective of hardcore raiders from another mmorpg which have been in some competitive leagues before moving over to WoW. we are currently at 15-17 members, some which have independently earned 3/12M - 7/12M NYA, with another coming from as 12/12M CE guild. We are confident of our mechanical knowledge and rotational knowledge and strive to achieve our first guild CE in SL.

We raid at 11:30pm to 2:30am ST Wed/Fri/Sat which may be abit out of your range but we still hope you will consider joining us for our preparations. Cheers!