Mage Portals and You

We need those summon consumables we had during mop remix. It’s beyond stupid that warlocks have literally the only utility in the game that anyone actually cares about.

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But it’s kind of an odd mix between representing the core of a class and pushing the boundaries of what your character can accomplish with it. Or put another way, generally speaking our characters’ power comes from mastery, not innovation, enabling lore characters to wield our powers in unique and exceptional ways that we don’t have access to.

With portals and particular, they’re generally depicted outside of arcane usage with clear limitations and caveats. Portals are a core part of the mage identity. It’s mages, not warlocks, who hold open the portals to capital cities. Other classes may explore less refined and less effective alternatives to arcane portal magic, but the convenience and utility mages offer is the whole point.

Giving them portals doesn’t just take something away from mages, it cheapens the differences between the classes. Warlocks are meant to be powerhouses who derive their magic from sacrifice, trading adaptability for strength.

I wouldn’t be opposed to some kind of travel spell. Like maybe a warlock inscribes a demonic rune somewhere with the help of other players, allowing them to use five soul shards to open a gateway to that location for themselves and the participating players once a day. That’s a restrictive use of the portal with its own spin and baked in class limitations.

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Given the sheer number of enemy warlocks who escape with the big grabby hand portal, you’d think player warlocks would get at least one.

It doesn’t even have to be to multiple locations like mages. Make it a class hall teleport like DKs, Druids, and Monks if you want.

I just want to open the cool hand portal to escape awkward conversation.

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i never touch a mage portal anymore.

too many times i double check that it’s the right one and i still end up in the crater lol


Maybe simplify warlock summons by eliminating the need for additional people to summon.

Don’t know enough about evokers to have an opinion one way or another.

Evokers literally use arcane magic by instinct from the blue dragon flight powers they have. They make a logical choice for portals


Because lore wise it doesn’t make sense. Lore wise, a lot of classes should be able to use portals. Fel, void, arcane can make portals. Evokers use instinctual arcane magic in their blue aspect powers. So yeah, they should be able to use portals.

Shadow priests and warlocks as well via shadows and void. In fact, we’ve seen void elves use void portals as a way to transfer troops. Let us not even get with fel magic. We seen the dark portal be open up with fel and that was a portal between two worlds

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I wouldn’t mind if we had a portal in our homes to somewhere of our choosing, separate of hearthstones.

Otherwise, I don’t like the idea so much. Not trying to be stubborn about old ways but our classes unique abilities outside of damaging abilities is a major factor in my decision to play characters in the past.

Whether it was water walking, shape shift mounting without a cast, leaping/charging, double jumping, invisibility or floating…

There is something so unique and fun to choose from.

Mages have portals.

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I try to keep an open mind when thinking about the topic in question. While I understand that Druids and Death Knights already have the ability to open a waygate of sorts, I also understand that NPCs also sit just outside the box.

My mage cannot perform at Jaina’s level to simply teleport an entire group to safety mid combat, or levitate an entire ship over land to lay siege to an enemy. Ultimately, there are limitations between what player characters do and what non-player characters are capable of. I may be disliked for saying this, but I agree with those limitations.

I feel the way things sit right now, there is plenty of flavor and solid reasoning for player characters to have the powers they do. Otherwise, I would already be playing a forsaken paladin because one already exists. :+1:

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Warlocks and Evokers are not teleporting/portal classes.

Makes you wonder, why are we always the ones getting sent out to handle all these world ending stuff instead of Jaina.

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It’s not just these major lore characters that can do some of this stuff. Almost every Warlock the game shows opening a portal to somewhere else is just some nobody you’re doing a quest for, usually because they weren’t powerful enough to do it themselves. Same for Evokers.

I wouldn’t say innovation even enters the equation since we already have canon representations of characters of both of these classes doing these things. Moreover, the lore represents these abilities as being completely ordinary. If anything, from this perspective, it makes the player characters not being able to do this a curious thing.

The above aside, here’s a curious thing: Player characters have access to a lot of things major lore characters don’t. Every major lore character is riddled with a plethora of limitations on what they can cast, how they fight, etc., while player characters are not. This versatility is what truly gives the “adventurers” the ability to do the things they do. Seldom do they triumph with raw power.

I would note that very few of the examples we see in-game had any kind of limitations imposed on them whatsoever. The majority of portal-wielding NPCs will just fling the things open to send you where you need to go. Sometimes it’s not even to a major city, just somewhere they’re familiar with enough to open a portal to.

Relatedly, many canon peripheral material also depict non-Mages opening portals without any real caveats or limitations. As I mentioned earlier in this post, it’s not even an uncommon thing. About the only reason they’ve kept this out of player hands, I suspect, is because it’s become seen as Mage’s “thing.”

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