Mage Feels Bad Solo'ing High Tier Delves

I find Frostfire Frost is great for soloing tier 8 delves. I swap to Sunfury Fire for the bosses though.

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The Frostfire tree has so much better defensives. Sunfury really needs an update in that regard. Merely a Setback is incredibly bad considering that they massively nerfed tertiary stats, especially leech. And Gravity Lapse needs to either stun for its duration or otherwise have its target cap removed and reduce the cooldown too. It also wouldnā€™t hurt if they added a debuff to the targets making them deal less damage after they fall down.

Frostfire Frost is also just pretty good for bursty aoe and slows. Itā€™s pretty quick and painless to down a bunch of trash with most it never even hitting you.

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Yes. Itā€™s the opposite of mage tower. All nuke no skill. I basically go through two nuke periods and try to kite in between. And the ones where you canā€™t kite I just donā€™t do. Looking at you candles and waterworks. I can do them reliably before the announced buff to bran. But Iā€™m also 600 fishing for those maps.

This has been running through my mind for many of the delves Iā€™ve completed. He is a net gain with regards to power, but I cannot help but wonder if he was intentionally designed to play up the stereotype of the bad hunter.

Iā€™ve also been thinking about future seasons and how delves could get more annoying. I like Brannā€™s personality, but I am already wondering if season 2 or 3 will introduce someone that leads me to muting game audio whenever I enter a delve.

I switched from Spellslinger Arcane back to Frostfire Frost and have been having a good go of it. I need better gear before I can challenge Tier 8 delves, so Iā€™m not pushing things too hard. I canā€™t seem to get a better weapon to drop at the moment. Maybe I should do the new LFR and of course more heroic dungeons.

I make it all the way to the boss. Then get trucked.

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LMAO! I have literally not played with a hunter this bad since the Blackrock Spire days in Vanilla. Only thing thatā€™s missing is Brann yelling ā€œHUNTA LEWTā€ when I open the bountiful chest at the end and hearthing after he ninja loots whatever is inside. :rofl:

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With the recent Brann changes I donā€™t know how we complete Tier 8. Trash is fine. Bosses that canā€™t be CC are impossible now. You have to burst them down before mirror images die or itā€™s GG. Invisibility stops the fight now instead of dropping aggro to Bran. Even if you let Brann attack without you doing anything he will lose aggro the second you start doing meaningful damage. You canā€™t Kite because the boss canā€™t be CC. Idk what to do.

Wonder why Brann canā€™t also be a tankā€¦

I disagree. Playing SS Arcane. If you regularly use your entire tool kit they are quite easy.

No. IMO Mage almost feels built for it. Having a lust for boss and mana buns in between mobs is great. Big burn for big hitters and mini burn for mobs. Some planning is required and deaths will happen but overall soloing 8ā€™s as a SS Arcane Mage feels great. Alter time is also so good for these.

Your toolkit or even your spec doesnā€™t have much to do with it. Itā€™s only a function of your ilvl and whether or not Brann is actually being useful or just a nuisance. And of course there is a vast difference between delves with some being much easier than others. There are even some where the end boss is completely brain dead and might as well be a training dummy like in the underwater delve with the Niffen.

Also ā€œeasyā€ and ā€œhardā€ are relative terms. Hard doesnā€™t necessarily mean difficult or not doable and most often just means annoying. For example, if a delve takes me more than 20 minutes to do on my mage I consider it ā€œhardā€ when I can do it for 15 minutes on my warrior who has a lower ilvl. In my experience mages are definitely one of the worst classes to do solo delves on. Try it with a Fury warrior and let me know if you still feel the same way.

For bosses Iā€™ve been switching Brann to heals and that seems to help, cycling between defensives and Brannā€™s potions he drops.

You need to use your CD-s and Self CD-s in rotation so you can kill the boss. As frost you have 2 Ice blocks, a barriers, alter time, mirror force etc etc.

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My favorite delve :slight_smile:

I have been loving delves and gearing nicely from them. Then as 602 got into a normal raid and was kicked right after the first boss because the team was LEET and I was a poser. Reaffirming my want to never raid. I am looking forward to Mythic+ dungeons and Delves as my core game going forward.

I think my ideal Delve team would be one of each mage, nice little trio of mages.

The toxicity has been off the charts really since BfA but especially during SL and onwards (Legion was the last time civility prevailed). One wipe and people start leaving. One mistake and people get kicked. Itā€™s just a ā€œgo, go, GOā€ mentality and Blizzard only further fuel that by emphasizing the never ending treadmill grind cycle which in turn makes everyone want to rush. Itā€™s really disappointing to watch, especially as a veteran player, because when you have the long view and hindsight that comes from nearly 20 years of playing the game itā€™s like watching a slow motion train wreck.

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As a frost mage I am using all the tactics mentioned above and still barely getting through the tier 6 boss fights. It still feels to me to be quite a bit harder than it should be. Im not looking for gimmes but still feels like the bosses especially are overtuned for squishies


A lot of the people telling you itā€™s easy were riding on the back of a souped up Brann that was scaling with delve tiers and they probably had him at higher levels before he ate a ton of nerfs and now tickles.

Now try doing them on a Balance Druid! :slight_smile: