Mage DPS; Why So Low?

It’s not a problem of ‘doing a lot of damage’ it is doing a fair contribution during a raid encounter compared to other classes. I parse purple and am 2nd last in DPS while other people in the raid parse the same but do like 1-2k more DPS.

Frost mage is also the literal highest APM ranged class in the game with the lowest reward.

Honestly, it seems like every class was buffed except mages lol. Blizzard said they did not want a raid group or guild to be required to bring a class for a buff. But that is exactly what mages are, I get punch monks were like that last tier / expansion. But brewmasters have been top tier for a long time now, so at least they had that option. Whereas there is no real ‘niche’ mage spec that is actually worth taking outside of a 5% intellect buff right now.

I’m actually finding that I’m having the opposite problem y’all are. Recently I’ve been parsing grey while being middle of the pack damage wise in my groups. By that I mean if there is 10 dps I’m around 4 to 6 and if there are 14 I’m 5 to 8. I’ve chalked this up to me having only 1 piece of dom gear with the worst damage shard, but this low damage issue seems to be common to a lot of different mages. Are the high parsers just cheating the system? There are a lot of fights in SoD where you can exponentially increase your damage if you dont help with mechanics.

I help with and am targeted by mechanics often…if i could just dps yeah i’d have a different outcome i think

I have some fights where I’m above the 96th percentile for my spec (Frost) and I lose to specs that are in the 90th percentile for their spec. In the same parse I’m at the 99th percentile for my ilvl while the people beating me can be as low as the 70s.


Naw, read the comment below yours, it is 100% parsing accuracy.

I have come to the overwhelming conclusion that game designers either failed elementary math or just do not put proper effort in to their balancing equations.

You can thank melee DPS for that and all their crying on the forums and Reddit that they can’t DPS if they’re targeted by mechanics so the devs made boss priority targeting pick ranged first. :sleepy::joy:

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I mean they don’t even try anymore. The % increases or decreases don’t even make sense half the time. They might as well be picking random numbers drawn out of a hat (probably how they do it, lbr, or more like with a game of beer pong; that seems more up their frat alley, lmao).

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I guess when you already have what the guides call one of the if not THE weakest CD in the game one should expect some trouble in this wonderful yo-yo world of class balancing we call WoW.

I really miss raiding on my mage but can report that lock rocks and lock portals and brezzes seem more valued in raid than mage tables and time warp (lol). All I’m doing on my mage is 4 keys a week for gear and some additional ones to help guildies. Kind of thinking about benching him entirely and focusing on a Shaman. #feelsbad

Who would have thought that arcane mages would be the ones to represent for mages given how awful the spec has felt since Legion.

We live in interesting times …

They should let our mage tables also give a food buff. Not as powerful as the cooking stuff but enough to make us more valuable. I dunno cap it at the last tiers food buff? That shouldnt get too many panties in a twist.

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Except no serious group will use a weak food buff


True. But it would do wonders for pugging.

Game shouldn’t be balanced around pugging though.

A fair enough point. I’m just spitballing here since mage tables are pretty useless in competitive content. Maybe they could do something crazy and give it it’s own unique buff. Increased mana regen or something.

Mage tables are really useful for healers in high M+ though since they drink frequently in between pulls


Oh they 100% don’t even try. I use Nyalotha fire mage as a shining example. I literally got a 1m+ ignite DoT on Psychus. That should have NEVER made it to live. EVER.

People were being 1shot in arenas by paladins with rank 12 stars… Should have NEVER made it to live.

They do not even test their own ‘calculations’ or projected implimentations. They just pick numbers and do the old ‘yeah that looks right’ LEGGO LIVE!

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this game is a joke now. theyre just incapable of balancing classes. mages just sit at the bottom half and theyre too busy banning /spit instead of balancing classes. thank god sub is running out again, 9.1 was a disaster.


Is this true for all mage specs? On all the DPS tier lists I am seeing frost in the A tier for 9.1.

frost mage is the worst dps in mythic SoD and sub par in heroic

Frost suffers the most to mechanics. As arcane you can time your burst phases around mechanics.

Ey, my sub is cancelled. I don’t need to be leaps and bounds S tier, but I don’t want to be 20% behind the otherwise last DPS. Progging mythic Painsmith, myself and the other mage are by far bottom of the DPS meter.

Thank you for saving me a monthly subscription Blizzard.

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