Mage and Rogue Duo LF raiding guild

Hello Immunity, are you still looking for a group? I’m looking for players for 9.1 for our 9/10M team that raids 7-10pm EST Sat/Sun. I’ll post our link below. Please let me know if we sound like a good fit!

[H] 9/10M 6hr Sat/Sun Pandamonium-Mal’ganis for 9.1 - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

Hey :slightly_smiling_face: Our intention is to be an AotC level casual/raiding guild. Currently looking for Healers/RDPS/MDPS to round out and bolster our team.

A little about Chemically Balanced is that we started as a small group of friends who got tired of Guild hopping trying to find the right fit for us. We are an East Coast Guild looking to raid Sat/Sun 9Pm to 12Pm. During the week we hang out, work on Alts (its an addiction) and run M+.

We are pretty layed back and are just looking to have our after work/school hours relaxing and fun with friends and family. That being said a level of situational awareness and proper mechanic tactics is expected from each individual who intends to raid. If your just coming back to the game, we don’t mind answering questions and helping teach players the basics of Shadowlands.

We also welcome package deals if you have friends/family that want to stick with you even if they have no intention of raiding but want a more casual position in the guild.

Not sure if the raid times is something you guys can work with but feel free to send me a msg on and we can talk out the details.