Mag’har Orc Warlocks

I think that depends on who you ask but we shall not go there.

I still see it as “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” unfortunately for maghar that friend is a drug dealer.

Probably for the best. If there’s one topic that is even more divisive than WoW lore and gets nastier than WoW lore debates. It’s American politics.

Genuine question: Are there any known green AU orcs? (Aside from Gul’dan)

… Maybe the AU Mag’har react differently to Fel exposure. We know they at least grow spikes and turn a blackish/gray from Felblood consumption in Draenor HFC which is different from their red MU counterparts. Our playable Mag’har are from a completely different timeline so maybe they just wouldn’t show signs of corruption in the same way?

Teron Gorefiend is the first example that comes to mind.
Before jumping into the pit of souls of Auchindoun and turning into the Blob, that is.

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multiple actually


Cool okay, Thanks guys!

… That throws away that theory!

I think that the alternate theory for the curious transformation AU Orcs had, was an interesting and funny one, that essentially sustained that the blood that Gul’dan was giving away at that point had “expired”.
Like a Milk brick.

And that MU Orcs went green, because they had drank the undiluted and still fresh, blood of a living demon.

Mannoroth was a literal pile of bones when AU Kilrogg finally took the gulp.

Honestly, I buy it.


Picturing just a big gross expired block of felblood schlorping out of it’s container and into the mouth of it’s imbiber.

…disgusting AND hilarious.

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Or imagining Gul’dan adding some tap water to the cup from time to time while muttering: ‘Man…I’ll never get anyone to drink from THIS…’


All of a sudden I’m picturing Gul’dan wearing a chef hat and trying to flavourize the expired blood with seasoning and stuff.


Even as he himself is gagging from the horrendous smell of it. It’s equally horrifying and hilarious.

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But to wit, Oronok is canonically an AU Shadowmoon who switched side

I think people are being to hung up on Maghar being some sort of magical designation instead of political one

If you betrayed Guldan, if you resisted Guldan, you were accepted into the Maghar at the time

Maghar should be considered more a National category and not a Magical-Genetic-Phenotype category


“Stupid demon had to go and get an axe to the face…”

-stirs the pot-

“Oh ancestors what is that… ugh, is that because I put in some wolf meat? No, no that’s just the expired stench…”

-stirs the pot while gagging-

“Did I really drink this? What was I thinking? This is just… urp…”

-stirs the pot some more-

“Needs more salt.”


The designation could be more emblematic of the original folks who turned away the “big deal” and continued forward. Not so much a reference to some physical state, but uncorrupted philosophically by that which corrupted others.

Grom might have been a tyrant and a despot and a genocidal maniac - but he turned down the deal. So he is Maghar.

An AU Orc Warlock can take up the dark arts, but he either turned down the Legion’s deal, or his parents did. So he is among the Maghar.


That’s not how the Mag’har function as a group.

And again, I cannot stress this enough, all warlock magic corrupts. Gerwin has cited canon lore sources that confirm this, whether they’re using fire magic, shadow, fel or even summoning demons, it all corrupts.

Can warlocks tap into other types of magic? Yes, we have a confirmed case of warlocks drawing on power from the firelands and others using blood magic. However, as important as some people might want to pretend this is, it’s not the magic the player characters use, so arguing that its use could allow for Mag’har Warlocks is foolish.

A Mag’har is only part of that collective for as long as they remain uncorrupted. Warlock magic, the type that is used by 99% of all warlocks, is corruptive. Therefor a Mag’har warlock would become corrupted and could no longer call themselves Mag’har after the fact.

It would be like a Lightforged Draenei reversing the forging process. If they did that, they could no longer call themselves Lightforged. It’s a core part of their identity.

IMO it would be better for Blizzard to not give the Mag’har Orcs the warlock class, and instead just give Mag’har Orc customization options to regular Orcs. That way you can have your Shattered Hand or Blackrock Orc warlock, because the customizations are on the Orc race that has the warlock class.

Issue with that, is that it would put them at the exact same level as the MU Orcs.

Because that philosophy right there, has been the cornerstone of the MU Orc faction since Thrall formed it.

If we are to keep the Mag’har a separate faction, they need to find their “own theme” that marks them apart.

I would’ve never made them a playable faction on their own, and I think they should’ve been a customisation option (as many other factions should’ve). But now that they are, I think that we should respect their uniqueness as a separate faction without diluting them any further.

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That seems some sort of hard head canon.

In fact, uncorrupted could essentially refer to a previous moment - “uncorrupted” can be a condition as well
“Uncorrupted” can refer to a corruptive break point in the past.

They are not “the perpetually unalterable” - if they were, I might see a point.

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I think the big caveat with this whole argument is the absolute corrupting nature of warlock magic. This is obviously something that is no longer the case, be it explained away with exceptions, a retcon, a discovery, something that makes that no longer true, if it even was to begin with.

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I dont think we should renounce to key aspects and fantasy of certain classes just to accommodate them in places that never really needed them in the first place.

The Warlock class fantasy has always leaned on a theme about corruption (they have a literal spell named like that), and the “forbidden”.

Removing that, and retcon almost two decades of lore just to facilitate it to a race that already strains against the core concept of the class and had its rejection as one of its founding principles, seems very absurd to me.

It’s like a backwards logic of building a dam and then starting the construction of channels to force a river into it.


there is no one warlock magic

Warlock use:

  • Fel
  • Void of the cosmic variety
  • Void of the Old God variety
  • Death in all its varieties
  • Blood Magic which was categorized as a subtype of Life Magic once upon a time
  • and uncontrolled/dark shamanism

For the hundredth time, we have warlocks in the canon using blood magic to enslave demons. We have void magic summoning demons. A Maghar warlock need not use fel.

And for the LFD it would slap if they borrowed from IRL demonology. Using Holy Magic to summon/enslave demons would be cool.

edit oh and I forgot:

  • Twilight Magic, which is Shadow + Light