Maelstrom Alliance Reconnections

Funny seeing some names here I remember. All it took was a little nostalgia to bring people back into the game after being gone for so many years.

HALIO!!! Are you and joban active on retail right now?

It;s Xykes, btw, not sure why it used this character, ha.

Sup Maelstrom!
Darkavengerr / Alána
Nelf Hunter

Oh goodness, LL days!
What server are you looking at for Classic?

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Oh, should have put my alter ego:
Annabella, worst Rogue on the server. But I could herb and skin like no one’s business!

We’re going on Herod.

I was Adreeker NE Warrior. I made it to Knight-Lieutenant. If anyone remembers me, lets link up.

I remember that guild crazyeightyeight.

Marreck - Human Warrior

I remember being in Kul Tiras Marines, but there was another guild after that I was in. I met some cool dudes and we mostly did dungeons together. I don’t recall raiding much on this character.

I wish I remember their names.

If there’s a Human Holy Paladin, Human Shadow Priest, or Night Elf Hunter who remember grouping up together and tackling dungeons with Marreck, let me know. I’d like to see how you guys are doing!

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I have a name reserved there just in case!

Tokran and Tulle. Me and a few others started…Fires of Tirisfal


Dwarf Paladin

Eyo, it me, guy who played an assortment of characters in the Scarlet March. Went by Moose OOC, mostly played as Amwynn, Human Mage.

Northwind, Guild Master CrazyEightyEight


I’ve been a bit torn about playing in Classic. I’ve come to enjoy the modern Druid healer playstyle, but there’s not really much to healing in Classic. Well, to be fair, all of the classes have extremely simple mechanics by today’s standards. Are you planning on playing here? Thinking about playing on a current-gen server?

Wow, Blizzard adding two more PvP realms tonight: Blaumeux (PDT) and Skeram (EDT). Can’t believe the popularity explosion of classic WoW! Gonna be a rough few days after launch but a great experience overall.

Those are names I recognize. I played Ekimdnaleve from The Revolutionaries. Ironically I’m also Horde on WRA now.

I think that guy is still on my /ignore list.


Still here! Still a dwarf searching for glory with her dancing skills from the Alterac Mountains…

Most people might remember me from PVP - I ran premade PVP with a lot of ranking people, Tiron, Phloppy, Icono/Guildus, Hammerhock and many more that came and went.

Paanky - Dwarf Disc Priest
Sydni - Human Rogue
Buttercup - Gnome Mage
Brennwyn - NElf Druid

I’ll be rolling with my boy, Iconoclast, we’ll be doing our PVP ranking soon enough! I kept on in retail until BoA so this is perfect for me :wink:

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I remember KTM when the sever launched. I was the only or one of the only druids in the guild since they didn’t like NE when the first kicked off…

Anyway, your name seems familiar - I’m not sure what my druid’s name was… maybe Brennwyn or a variation of that? Regardless! KTM was fun my time I spent with them :slight_smile:

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