Macros: Essential Information

Instead of including a poorly formatted code snip why don’t you just tell us what you are actually trying to do?

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I think he has the same question that I do. That is, how exactly does one execute the function that EB provided that lists all the available slash commands. The code is in section #7 of the original post in this thread, but it is not obvious how to execute it.

From a later post, it looks like it needs to be loaded from an Addon. If so, are there current basic instructions anywhere on writing an Addon? (Please don’t link to some 10 year old post somewhere as it is troublesome to figure out what Blizz has changed and why the examples tend to not work!)


Take Eihz’s code, slap it into to create an addon then you should be able to /dump CommandList() in game.

That said, it’s a hell if a lot more convenient to just go to

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Is there a way to show/use multiple (mutually exclusive) spells/abilities in one macro? Specifically, on my hunter, I would like one button for Survival of the Fittest, whether it’s the lone wolf version or the tenacity pet version, but I can only get it to show one or the other, not swap between whichever one is active (if I have pet out or not). (I usually put /stopcasting macros together for defensives)
Also, a single button macro that could consolidate the various differently named pet dispels for whichever pet i have out would be great too (nether shock, spirit shock, etc).
I would rather not use modifier keys, since I have those abilities on keybinds using shift already
edit: just remembered, one of the reasons I use a macro for the specific version of survival of the fittest is “command pet” changes to bloodlust when a ferocity pet is summoned and I DO NOT want that on a keybind I might spam by accident

You could use the [pet,exists] condition to differentiate between the pet/lone wolf version.

it may not be elegant, but after some more searching and trial and error I got them to work :slight_smile:

/cast [pet:stag] Nature’s Grace(Special Ability)
/cast [pet:ray] Nether Shock(Special Ability)
/cast [pet:spirit beast] Spirit Shock(Special Ability)

/cast [nopet] Survival of the Fittest(Lone Wolf Ability)
/cast [pet] Survival of the Fittest(Command Pet Ability)

Now if only I could figure out how to make my priority add target macro NOT target something dead…

Shorter variants of your macros:

/use [pet:stag]Nature's Grace;[pet:ray]Nether Shock;[pet:spirit beast]Spirit Shock


/use Command Pet
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Did you try

I’m looking for some help with my macro. Everything works except for the Spinning Crane Kick. The macro is:

/cast [mod:alt, @target, harm][mod:alt, @targettarget, harm] Rising Sun Kick
/cast [mod:ctrl] Spinning Crane Kick
/castsequence [@target, harm][@targettarget, harm] reset=alt/combat Blackout Kick, Tiger Palm

Any help would be much appreciated!


Keybinds take priority over macro modifiers, by default CTRL 1-6 are bound to your pet bar. Those binds will need to be unbound to use as modifiers.

Optimized macro

/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Spinning Crane Kick; [mod:alt,harm][mod:alt,@targettarget,harm,nodead] [mod:alt] Rising Sun Kick; [harm] [@targettarget,harm,nodead] [] reset=alt/combat Blackout Kick, Tiger Palm

Thank you for the optimization!

The problem wasn’t the pet bar keys. I already overcame that one with my first macro. It was the ‘self cast’ and ‘focus cast’ defaults in the interface options.

I generally use the base UI “Auto Self Cast” option, but rely on macro conditionals for @player , @focus, and similar.

The examples in the OP are meant to be used with that setting enabled.

Those have no effect on macros, they just populate variables you can use for modifiers.

/command pet
changes to bloodlust with a ferocity pet out, I don’t want that anywhere near a keybinding, which is part of the reason I directly linked from pet spell book. And despite them technically having the same name, the pet and lone wolf versions of survival of the fittest
won’t automatically replace each other. Hence the long way to make that particular macro work.
thx for the elegant version of the pet dispel :slight_smile:

A quick Programmer’s Note on conditionals like mod. Always list from most complex (i.e. mod:altctrlshift) to least complex (i.e. mod:shift) combinations. The conditional works on simple matching and the first match is what will fire. Pressing the shift + alt + ctrl keys will make any of the following mod conditions “true”:

So if you run into any of those conditions FIRST that’s the line that’s going to be run, not the one you probably intended since the time it takes to execute the cast or use or whatever will short-circuit the rest of the conditions.


Updates coming soon for 9.0 prepatch and Shadowlands.

There are some issues with modifier macros, the [flyable] condition is broken again, but other than that I don’t recall any major changes.

If anyone encounters issues with existing macros not working properly, please let me know.

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When macroing some items that do NOT have a GCD along with a spell cast (trinket “use” plus a spell worked because the trinket /use was not on the GCD), one issue is the verbal (& text) warning if one of the two were on CD.

Now that we get a few things off the GCD, some interesting possibilities crop up. HOWEVER the console commands to suppress the verbal warning JUST for the duration of the macro don’t seem to work any more. Was this knowingly deprecated or is there just another way to do it? I’m old school and distractions ike that have a great affect on my performance.

Should be:

/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
    <Off GCD abilities you want to ignore errors on here>
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/run UIErrorsFrame:Show()
    <Abilities you want to see errors for here>

That takes care of the text warnings, but not the audio (which I find far more distracting!). Might you have a way to solve that one?

Should be

/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 0
/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1

I read that the values may have swapped at one point, not sure if that’s still the case, so if it doesn’t work try swapping the 0 and 1.

Put them right before and after the UIErrorsFrame bits.