Macros: Essential Information

I’m not aware of any that don’t simply use the blizzard random mount function.

hmmm, I thought I saw somewhere (can’t find it now) that there was a way to use mount ID. Oh, well, guess I just won’t put those weird names in rotation.

The default UI lets you drag a button from the mounts window that summons a random favorited mount. Can just select those mounts as favorite and use that button.

Yes, but that’s a per-account list of favorite mounts, not per character, and it either includes (or excludes, can’t remember which) flying mounts in non-flying zones, making it more limited than a /userandom macro.

Additionally, you could do something like

/userandom [mod:shift]Hearthstone;[mod:ctrl][combat]Aspect of the Cheetah;[mod:alt]VendorMount;[flyable]FlyingMount1,FlyingMount2,FlyingMount3;GroundMount1,GroundMount2,GroundMount3

That gives you a lot more flexibility in the macro to include a variety of non-mount abilities, special mounts for certain situations that you don’t want to include as favorites, etc.

It also works just fine for any mount, excepting those with a comma in the name, of which there are only 6.

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I found it (the way to make mount macros that will let you use the ones with commas in the name)

/run local m={1531,1426,203,943,870,802,961,949,1307} C_MountJournal.SummonByID(m[random(#m)])

where the numbers are mount IDs (you can pull the mount ID from wowhead, its in the info box to the right) but this requires a ton of additional research for each mount (and then if you want to swap things around you have to look up all the IDs again!) and also can’t be combined with things like /dismount[mounted]

I really came to figure out how to make a macro that will let me use one button for all the covenant abilities (for instance, wild spirits when night fae, but resonating arrow when kyrian). I can make it function just by putting both abilities in the macro but I want the button/tooltip to show the one currently active. is there a [cov:kyrian] type command? or use classabilty or something?

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This’ll cover it.

ah will try

can i add [nochanneling] to that?
i suppose it would be /cast [nochanneling] spell as usual?

Yeah, you can add whatever conditions to the casts that you want.

/cast [@cursor] Resonating Arrow
/cast [@cursor] Wild Spirits
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Death Chakram
/cast Flayed Shot
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell(GetRunningMacro(), G"Resonating Arrow" or G"Wild Spirits" or G"Death Chakram" or G"Flayed Shot")

Dunno that I’d mouseover chakram but it’s there for demonstration purposes.

trying to get it to work lol

i don’t @cursor anything, i manage to throw stuff onto the ceiling quite enough already
thx for that I’ve got something working now, had to remove my [nochanneling] condition or it just stays a ? instead of showing spell icon/cd

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Can you add the known:spell name and known:spellid condition when ya get a min?

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I have a conditional macro I am having a small issue with. I can get either one have to work or the other… here is the macro.

#showtooltip Renewed Proto-Drake
/run if GetZoneText() == “The Waking Shores” or “Ohn’ahran Plains” or “Thaldraszus” or “The Azure Span” then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1589) else C_MountJournal.SummonByID(865) end

From /run to the first mount call (1589) I can get to work. But it’s the second mount that I can not get to work. So the dragon flight mount works in all the zones. But when I am not in Dragon Flight Zones the other mount does not trigger. If I toy around with the beginning part and screw up the DF mounts then the Second mount woks and not the DF mount. I have to be missing something somewhere.

You’re combining a ternary operation with an if statement in a way that doesn’t work.

/run if IsUsableSpell(368896) == true then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1589) else C_MountJournal.SummonByID(865) end

Any way to get this style of macro to display the proper tooltip?

/use [mod:alt,@cursor]Earthbind Totem;
/use [@cursor] Earthgrab Totem;
/use [@cursor] Wind Rush Totem;
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell(GetRunningMacro(),G"Earthgrab Totem" or  G"Wind Rush Totem" or G"Earthbind Totem")
/use [mod:alt,@cursor] Earthbind Totem; [known:51485,@cursor] Earthgrab Totem; [@cursor] Wind Rush Totem

oh you can use [known] with the spellId, neat. thank you

(post deleted by author)

This has been updated and a few other things cleaned up.

Also, I sent a sample mount macro in your macro templates thread that works for dragonriding mounts as well. Worth a look if you haven’t seen it yet.

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It was NOT explained at all.
Here I was trying to paste it into a macro, but it’s more than 255 characters, then trying to past in the console, obviously having no luck.