Elvenbane's Personal Macros

why you dont use mod control in your macros?

I do occasionally it’s just a lower priority modifier for me; slightly harder to hit than the rest with how I rest my hand.

master please please give me a hand with a macro
Righteous Defense macro:
i want to make a macro that with mouseover on harm npc launch Righteous Defense on npc.
in other words if a harm npc goes for my partner i can launch Righteous Defense on him (npc harm) not on my partner

10 chars…

master please read this spell
Righteous Defense
40 yd range

Instant 8 sec cooldown

Requires Paladin

Come to the defense of a friendly target, commanding up to 3 enemies attacking the target to attack the Paladin instead.

i know your macro if i want to cast a interrupt or stun but in this case i have this spell

You can remove the [mod:alt,@player]

master i come here one more time searching yuor wisdom…
this time i want to create a macro could ress to my mouseover target and the same time send a chat message with the phase i’m ressing you “mouseovertarget”

ty vm x you support master!!!

Grab Macro-Talk and it’ll be straightforward.

not avaible x tbc classics master :frowning:

I want to cast death grip and death and decay at my feet. This is what I have soo far but all it does is cast DBD.
/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm] [mod:shift] Death Grip; [mod:ctrl, @cursor] Death and Decay; [@player] Death and Decay

What is DBD?

I’m not seeing any obvious problems with the macro, so it’s most likely a keybinding conflict.

What key do you have the macro bound to?

Make sure that you don’t have shift-KEYBIND bound to something else in your keybinds. (Shift-1 to Shift 6 are bound to action bar switching by default, for example.)

Most number pad keys do not play well with shift modifiers on Windows. (As Windows will translate them to things like “Home” and “End” instead of the actual key.)

On macs, you can run into problems with the keypad binds as well. There’s a fix for that here.

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I’m with Udiza, probably a keybind conflict.

Macro can be optimized slightly:

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:shift] Death Grip; [mod:ctrl,@cursor] [@player] Death and Decay

oops Death and Decay DnD.

Thanks for your inputs but it still only cast DnD. I put it on button 12 which is not bound to anything. I even switched it to DND first and death grip last but no death grip.

Is that on an MMO mouse? Those are often set to the keypad. If that’s the case and you are on a mac use the expose fix I posted above. For Windows rebind the mouse buttons to something else using your mouse’s software. (F13-F24 are a relatively safe choice to avoid conflicts.)

Yeah, what’s the in-game binding?

Numpad with shift sends entirely different hardware events for certain keys.

No . It is on the key board (=/+).

What icon does the button, on your bars, show when you hold shift?

Nothing lights up.