Macros: Condensing Your Physical Keys

Post the combined macro.

At a glance, the empty conditions [] on Cleanse and Hand of Hindrance, plus the [spec:2/3] conditional on Cleanse Toxins, are incompatible, but I can’t tell you how to fix it without seeing the whole thing.

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/cast [spec:2/3,@mouseover,help,nodead] Cleanse Toxins; [spec:3,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [spec:3,harm] Hand of Hindrance; [spec:2/3] Cleanse Toxins; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Cleanse

This was my last attempt. I can break out the hindrance and the cleanse works fine. I am hitting a conflict somewhere and I have been looking at too long so I am overlooking something.

/cast [spec:2/3,@mouseover,help,nodead] [spec:2/3] Cleanse Toxins; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Cleanse; [spec:3,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Hand of Hindrance

Works perfect. Thank you.

I see what I did and I knew it would be something simple that I was overlooking. Thanks again.

Hey dudes,

I created what I thought was a super simple macro, but it sure doesn’t work

/cast Skullsplitter
/cast Whirlwind

Skullsplitter casts, but not WW.

Any thoughts?

Can’t cast 2 abilities that are on the GCD simultaneously. Use a modifier to pick one.

Trying to consolidate my Silience in one macro. What am I missing with this Hunter Counter Shot/Muzzle Macro?

/cast [spec:1/2,@mouseover,harm, nodead] [spec:1/2, harm] [] Counter Shot; [spec:3.@mouseover, harm, nodead] [spec:3, harm] [] Muzzle

Ended up going with this and added a Cancel Aura Macro for Aspect of the Turtle.

#showtooltip [spec:1][spec:2] Counter Shot; [spec:3]Muzzle
/cancelaura Aspect of the Turtle
/cast [@mouseover,exists, harm][] Counter Shot
/cast [@mouseover,exists, harm][] Muzzle

Please feel free to add to it or advise on a better way. Coudln’t get the focus part to work.

[] = true, and should never appear more than once per cast and should only be the very last condition if present.

/cancelaura Aspect of the Turtle
/cast [spec:3,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [spec:3] Muzzle; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Counter Shot

Not sure what you meant by focus part but best guess it’s probably this:

/cast [spec:3,@focus,harm,nodead] [spec:3,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [spec:3] Muzzle; [@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Counter Shot

Thanks Elvenbane I overthought the extra []. I will try your focus input when I get home. When I was testing on target dummies it wouldn’t fire off on the focus target. That might go back to my extra [] problem.

No problem. If you can describe the priority you want with regards to focus casting I can adjust the macro. Current priority is focus > mouseover > target

Yes that is the priority I am looking for.

Still trying to free up some macro slots and I found an odd behavior with this one.

/cancelaura Aspect of the Turtle
/cast [spec:1] Cobra Shot;[spec:2,nochanneling:rapid fire] Steady Shot; [spec:3] Shrapnel Bomb;
/use Claw(Basic Attack)
/use Bite(Basic Attack)
/use Smack(Basic Attack)

Steady and Cobra work fine but Shrapnel Gernade works fine until I enter combat. After I use it the first time to enter combat it will fail (Red Question Mark). I thought that the talent Guerilla Tatics might be messing with it but I tried with using Butchery and it was the same effect. Am I overlooking something?

Should be Wildfire Bomb

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Son of a…I was focusing too much on the wrong talent row. I was shift clicking and not even thinking about being specced into Wildfire Infusion. That is what I get for trying to mess with macros late at night.

Thanks once again.

Hello, I’m trying to create a macro for my death grip, chains of ice, aspyxiate etc. What I’m trying to do is make it to where I can cast Death Grip on my current target, but also if I hold down alt cast Death Grip on my focus target.
Example: My Death Grip is on keybind r, I want to be able to cast death grip on my current target with r, and also be able to get death grip on my focus target with alt+r, without having to use two different keybinds. This is what I tried and wasn’t successful…
#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast [@target] Death Grip
/cast [mod:alt] [@focus] Death Grip.
Can you please tell me where I’m going wrong? thanks for the help and the guide!

the macro procs for the first true statement

as written it will only cast deathgrip at your target, btw [@target] is redundant and is the same as []

also [mod:alt] [@focus] means [mod:alt] OR [@focus]. as written shift+R just casts on your target

/cast [mod:alt,@focus] [] Death Grip

you may find that @mouseover to be more helpful than casting on your focus. you can try this

/cast [mod:alt,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:alt,@focus,harm,nodead] [] Death Grip

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Could also do focus with alt and the mouseover > target

/cast [mod:alt,@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Death Grip


Thank you for your time and contribution with the WoW Macros. I’ve recently been trying to teach myself and I may be expecting too much from the macro. I was wondering if I could create a sequence that would cast consecration or blade of justice while also taking into consideration Art of War and if it procs Blade of Justice to become castable again.

So far my sequence is

/castsequence Consecration, Blade of Justice
/cast [@focus,exists,nodead,harm][]Blade of Justice

I’ll admit I got the focus line from the WoWhead article, and I don’t know if I understand its use enough, so I apologize if it is not feasible here.

I appreciate any advice or input with this. I’ve realized I really need to learn macros to take the best advantage of certain classes and I really enjoy doing coding, so I hope I can learn from this experience!

Thank you!

That only has a hope of working if Blade of Justice is off the GCD. Even if a spell is on CD a macro will still try to cast it, therefore the 2nd line of the macro will always be blocked by the first.

I’d put Consecrate on a modifier. Cast sequences are trash.

There’s no functional issues with either line though you only ever need one of exists, help, or harm per condition set because help and harm imply exists.

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Thank you very much for the reply. I just now realized I never checked for the reply. ADHD can be a bit much sometimes.

I’m just going to copy-paste your comment into a word document so I can study/reference it later on