Macros: Condensing Your Physical Keys


** Important **
Before using these macros make sure you unbind SHIFT 1-6 (Action Page 1-6) keys in your key bindings. If you don't, pressing any of the shift modified macros will cause you to change action page instead of casting the appropriate spell.

I've included the keys I have them bound to but you can use whatever

` (key to the left of 1, created via BindPad so it doesn't take a bar spot) - Spell Reflection (prot: alt), Heroic Throw
/cast [mod:alt,spec:3] Spell Reflection; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Heroic Throw

Arms 1, Fury 1
Arms: Rend (shift), Execute (alt), Mortal Strike
Fury: Execute (alt), Rampage
/cast [mod:shift,spec:1,talent:3/3] Rend; [mod:alt] Execute; [spec:1] Mortal Strike; Rampage

Arms 2, Fury 2
Arms: Cleave (shift+alt), Sweeping Strikes (shift), WW (alt/Fervor of Battle), Slam
Fury: Siegebreaker (shift), WW (alt), Bloodthirst
/cast [mod:shiftalt,spec:1,talent:5/3] Cleave;[mod:shift,spec:1] Sweeping Strikes; [mod:shift,spec:2,talent:7/3] Siegebreaker; [mod:alt] [spec:1,talent:3/2] Whirlwind; [spec:1] Slam; Bloodthirst

Arms 3, Fury 3
Arms: Victory Rush (alt), Overpower
Fury: Dragon Roar (shift), Victory Rush (alt), Raging Blow
/cast [mod:shift,spec:2,talent:6/2] Dragon Roar; [mod:alt] Victory Rush; [spec:1] Overpower; Raging Blow

Arms 4, Fury 4
Arms: Colossus Smash (nomod), Storm Bolt (nomod alt), Pummel
Fury: Furious Slash (nomod), Storm Bolt (nomod alt), Pummel
/cast [nomod,spec:1] Colossus Smash; [nomod,spec:2,talent:3/3] Furious Slash; [nomod:alt,talent:2/3] Storm Bolt; Pummel

Arms 5, Fury 5, Prot 5
Heroic Leap (shift), Charge/Intercept (prot)
/cast [mod:shift] Heroic Leap; [spec:3,@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Charge
/startattack [nomod:shift]

Arms/Fury Num- (Naga 4)
Arms: Avatar (ctrl), Bladestorm (shift), Battle Cry (alt), Berserker Rage
Fury: Battle Cry (alt), Berserker Rage
/cast [mod:ctrl,talent:6/2] Avatar; [mod:shift,spec:1] [mod:shift,spec:2,talent:6/3] Bladestorm; [mod:alt,spec:2] Recklessness; Berserker Rage

Prot 1
Intimidating Shout (shift+alt), Demoralizing Shout (shift), Shield Block (alt), Shield Slam
/cast [mod:shiftalt] Intimidating Shout; [mod:shift] Demoralizing Shout; [mod:alt] Shield Block; Shield Slam

Prot 2
Ravager (shift), Ignore Pain (alt), Thunder Clap
/cast [mod:shift,talent:7/3] Ravager; [mod:alt] Ignore Pain; Thunder Clap

Prot 3
Dragon Roar (shift), Victory Rush (alt), Revenge
/cast [mod:shift,talent:3/3] Dragon Roar; [mod:alt] Victory Rush; Revenge

Prot 4
Devastate (nomod), Shockwave (nomod alt), Stormbolt (shift+alt), Pummel
/cast [nomod,spec:3,notalent:6/3] Devastate; [nomod:alt/ctrl,spec:3] Shockwave; [mod:shiftalt,spec:3,talent:5/3] Storm Bolt; Pummel

Arms 5, Fury 5, Prot 5
Heroic Leap (shift), Charge/Intercept (prot)
/cast [mod:shift] Heroic Leap; [spec:3,@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Charge
/startattack [nomod:shift]

Prot 6
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] [@targettarget,harm] [] Taunt

Prot Num- (Naga 4)
Prot: Shield Wall (shift), Last Stand (alt), Berserker Rage
/cast [mod:shiftalt] Rallying Cry; [mod:ctrl] Avatar; [mod:shift] Shield Wall; [mod:alt] Last Stand; Berserker Rage
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