Macro help: setting raid target icons

SimpleRaidTargets … customizable click on entity with a pinwheel to mark … super handy and quick.

I’ve looked thoroughly through all of the different icons and can’t find any of the target marker ones.

/tm [@mouseover,exists] [] 8

—Marks target with skull—
What would be the #showtooltip (-------) to have the Skull as the actual icon?

Came across this looking for a nice way to cast a spell and mark the target at the same time. Was able to make it work perfectly, hence the necro.

Credit to Spout for the script above, which gave me the method for the mouseover → target → clear functionality and solved all the problems!
But with 252 characters it was too long to fit anything else in the same macro. So I went ahead and cleaned up the code (some repetition and a check, a variable and an action which weren’t needed) and shortened it to the max: 182 characters. Exactly the same functionality and has enough space to add a spellcast.

Here is the shortened code:

/run m=SetRaidTarget;e=UnitExists;g=GetRaidTargetIndex;t=“mouseover”;p=“player”;s=g(p);if not(e(t))then t=“target” end if e(t)then if g(t)~=8 then m(t,8)end else m(p,8)m(p,s or 0)end

Here is my full macro for polymorph:

/run m=SetRaidTarget;e=UnitExists;g=GetRaidTargetIndex;t=“mouseover”;p=“player”;s=g(p);if not(e(t))then t=“target” end if e(t)then if g(t)~=5 then m(t,5)end else m(p,5)m(p,s or 0)end
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Polymorph

It prioritizes mouseover first, your target second, marks with moon, clears mark when pressed without target, and keeps your own mark (unless you were marked with the symbol that you’re using in this macro, duh)! Thanks again Spout for the elegant solution.

PS: the whole thing is 248 characters now, if you can’t fit the name of your spell but still want all the functionality, you can remove the first line and make do without seeing the spell tooltip :+1:

this was already covered

the script is here precisely because what you quoted offers nowhere near the same functionality.

  1. standard keybinding is only for marking not a spellcast + mark
  2. the SetRaidTarget function on its own will toggle the mark on and off, which is annoying when you combine it with a spell and OP (and I) wanted to avoid this
  3. this script works for mouseover as well as selected target
  4. this script lets you clear the mark with a single press, without having to target the marked unit again

I see what you are trying to do. You wanna use that skull as in indicator to know what you are attacking. You can use below addon for that instead:

Target Nameplate Indicator

yeah that’s probably what OP was trying to do, 5 years ago.

the reason for the necro however, was that google brings this up when searching for ways to combine target marking with a spell, hence my script above which makes for a very nice polymorph macro. i’m sure there are other uses for it too.

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