Macro help for Druid

Hi all, I am trying to make a macro to work like this all of which are mouseover.
Sooth on Enrage mob, Decurse on friendly, brez only in combat and normal rez out of combat.
Somewhere along this macro it stop working not sure why. sometimes I do not have Remove Corruption talented it might be the issue but I dont know how to fix it. I don’t play restoration spec btw just Guardian and Feral.

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Soothe; Remove Corruption; [@mouseover,help,dead,combat] Rebirth; [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat] Revive

Remove corruption has no conditions, so it won’t ever go past it. I’m on mobile so it might take a bit to rewrite, but just add [@mouseover,help,nodead] as the condition for remove corruption

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Soothe; [@mouseover,help,nodead] Remove Corruption; [@mouseover,help,dead,combat] Rebirth; [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat] Revive
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Thx u very much!

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