Macro for Warrior + gavel of the First Arbiter

I have some experience with macros, but not a lot. My warrior only uses one macro, which ties Ancestral Call to Warbreaker. So a /cast /cast macro.

Now I’m trying to figure out how to macro the use ability of Gavel of the First Arbiter to Overpower, which has two charges. The macro displays the OP tooltip correctly, and will cast the weapon use and the first op, but then breaks when I try to use it a second time for the second charge, and says item not ready yet, so it’s trying to use the weapon again.

Why will it not skip that item like the Ancestral call macro does? Is there a difference between /cast and /use, or a difference between spell use (ancestral call) and item use (Gavel)?

Any recommendations, or advice?

That’s what it’s supposed to do. Does it actually prevent Overpower from triggering or does it just complain about the item CD?

It blocks the second charge of OP from going off entirely, until the cd on the weapon goes off.

edit: Figured I should clarify this more. I have both the macro OP and OP in general next to each other for testing purposes. So Macro OP will cast Weapon Use and first charge of OP, and then go dormant…firther presses say ‘item is not ready’ but I can see on the non-macroed OP that it still has one charge, and is not doing anything except recharging the first OP charge.

You’ll likely need to swap the order of the spells then, slightly less optimal but should allow the macro to function. That said, I’m kinda surprised that a weapon use gcd is interfering with a regular gcd.

/cast Overpower
/use 16

Alternatively, you’ll need to stick the weapon use on a modified press.

/use [mod] 16
/cast Overpower

I was thinking of the swap, and that was one of my two options if I decided that it couldn’t be salvaged to OP.

The other option was macroing it to a slam and just using that first. Only issue with that is it’s kind of a waste of an early rotation, and it immediately burns all the rage I generate from charge.