Macro for travel form in old zones. Dragon mount in new zones


/cast [mod:ctrl] Traveler's Tundra Mammoth; [mod:shift,flyable] Phosphorescent Stone Drake; [nomod] Ratstallion; Highland Drake

Could also be rewritten as

/cast [mod:ctrl] Traveler's Tundra Mammoth; [mod:shift,flyable] Phosphorescent Stone Drake; [mod] Highland Drake; Ratstallion

Adding one more option:

  • Click for Flying-Mount in normal flying zones or Ground-Mount otherwise. Water-Mount if in water. Dismount if mounted.
  • Shift-Click for Grand Expedition Yak.
  • Ctrl-Click for Dragonriding Mount.
  • Alt-Click for Travel Form if Druid.

/run if IsUsableSpell(368896)and IsControlKeyDown()then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1589)end
/use [mod:alt]Travel Form;[mod:shift]Grand Expedition Yak;[swimming]WATER-MOUNT; [noflyable]GROUND-MOUNT; FLYING-MOUNT
/dismount [mounted]

You can remove [mod:alt]Travel Form; if you’re not a druid.

Thank you to Elvenbane for figuring out IsUsableSpell. Per his post:

Replace 1589 with the ID of the mount you want to summon: 
1589: Renewed Proto-Drake
1590: Windborne Velocidrake
1591: Cliffside Wylderdrake
1563: Highland Drake

Shamelessly stole it from the LiteMount addon; so credit to their devs :slight_smile:


This is the one, ty

Doesn’t work, try it.

My bad, I copied your code and it wasn’t wrapped in code tags so the forums converted the ' into a smartquote. I’ve fixed it in my post.

So this worked for me, idk about y’all. Give it a whirl.

/cast [Dragonriding] Highland Drake;
/cast [Flyable] Uncorrupted Voidwing;
/cast [Noflyable] Crimson Shardhide

Just like that. The only quip is that if you press the button again while riding your dragonriding mount, you’ll try to mount the nofly mount. But that hardly matters right?


I use this but my macro has a /dismount at the top which comes in handy…

/cast [dragonriding] Highland Drake
/cast [noflyable] Magic Rooster
/cast [flyable] Solar Spirehawk

[dragonriding] isn’t a thing. Your macro is working because that command is being ignored and mounts are off the GCD.

if my macro is working then who cares if [dragonriding] is a thing or not…

Because bad information is just as transmissible as good information. So please stop spreading bad information.

This is what your macro is really executing.

/cast Highland Drake
/cast [noflyable] Magic Rooster
/cast [flyable] Solar Spirehawk

Imagine if everyone had the “if it seems to work who cares, even though it is absolutely wrong attitude.” EVERY aspect of practically EVERYTHING in the world would take a massive turn for the worse.

This works perfectly - One addition will add cat form when you’re indoors and no other travel option is available.

/cast [indoors,nostance:2] cat form;
/run if (IsUsableSpell(368896)) and (not IsMounted()) then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1591) end
/cast [nomounted] Travel Form
/dismount [mounted]

You could also probably replace catform with cast:Dash as well, but I haven’t tried it yet.

Thanks for doing the legwork!

It depends on why it’s working and whether you are aware of that.

My mount macro is:

/use [mod:alt]Tome of Town Portal;[mod:ctrl]Darkflight;[mod,outdoors]Traveler's Tundra Mammoth;[mod][combat][indoors]Aspect of the Cheetah;[flyable]Huntmaster's Dire Wolfhawk;Highland Drake
/use Garn Nighthowl

This is technically an incorrectly written macro. It is attempting to cast two spells with no conditionals at the same time, which is generally bad practice, and won’t work in most cases. It works perfectly here, but is reliant on a quirk involving mounts being off the global cooldown.

The difference between my macro and the [dragonriding] macros being tossed around is that I’m aware of this quirk and actively leveraging it to get the results I want, whereas the [dragonriding] macros are using a made up conditional that people think works, because the macro still works, because it accidentally uses the same quirk.