Macro for druid travel form dismounting while flying on a mount

Hi all, I’m working on a macro to allow me to both use my druid forms and flying mounts.
It works well (no errors appear) and does exactly what I want; Except when I flying.
If I am mounted on the ground it will change to cat form but if I am mounted in the air it will change to travel form:

/run if (not UnitAffectingCombat(“player”)) and (GetUnitSpeed(“player”)==0) and IsOutdoors() and (not IsModifierKeyDown()) then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0) end
/cast [swimming]Travel Form;[indoors][mounted]Cat Form;Travel Form

Any help would be appreciated.

What do you want it to do?

If I am mounted and moving I would like it to change to cat form.

It currently does this but only if I am on the ground, if I am mounted and flying it will change to travel form instead.
I thought maybe it was the /clearform but it does it whether that is used or not.

There’s a disable casting while flying option (not sure the exact name) that may be causing the behavior.

“Auto Dismount in Flight” I tried a few combos and didn’t work. Still doing it unfortunately.

Try adding [flying] to the cat options.

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Yup that did it!
Though I did run out of room in the macro but I’ll make it work :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for the help :slight_smile: