Macro Dummy

As my hands and fingers are getting old I am trying to use some simple macros. The very basics seem to have sunk in but when it comes to more then basic I am lost in macros I mean.

I play solo mainly due to circumstances, never done raids, dungeons etc. just level. So I am only concerned about myself and my pet. Playing MM and BM Hunter and Dest. Warlock less keys to press. Use my left hand on 1,2,3,4 and 5 for all my spells, no shift or function keys, to hard. My right hand on a standard mouse for all my movements and the occasional click for a spell. No multifunction, fingers are no good for that.

Now what I am after are 2 simple macros, well

1: All one Keypress

/targetenemy etc.
/cast Spell1, etc.

I would like to cast the same spell 2-4 times with One Keypress and on the next keypress return to /targetenemy even if target is dead after the first spell.

2: Again pressing the Key only once to achieve all that

/castsequel Talent (or spell) ,spell1, spell2, etc.

And again at the next keypress returning to /targetenemy at whatever spell the target got killed.

Is that possible ?

Thanks in Advance

Have you read the pins?

That said, given your perceived physical abilities I’d recommend you look into the Gnome Sequencer addon. Should significantly expand your horizons.