Macro & Addon Resources

I was wanting to improve my gaming experience by creating macros. I am new to the whole macro thing and I don’t understand many of the commands. I was wondering if anyone knew of good guide somewhere or some awesome documentation that I could use to begin my journey.

Someone posted a link to this thread in response to a question concerning stance-dance macro, yesterday. While the post isn’t classic-specific, it does appear to be a good overview of macro syntax, and most classic deviations can be inferred:

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That is an excellent thread that dude made.

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In the end it all comes down to /cast [conditional] <ability>

Most of the macros I’ve created stem from:

/cast Frostbolt (rank 1)
/castsequence Frostbolt, Fireball
/castsequence reset=combat Frostbolt, Fireball
/castsequence [mod] Fireblast; reset=combat Frostbolt, Fireball

and it can be extended in multiple ways via conditionals like [mod:shift], [help], [harm], [target=player], ect

[mod] means modifier - as in modifier key. shift, ctrl, alt on your keyboard.

; separates statements while , moves to the next in the line.

reset= can take a few conditions: a number ( reset=6 ), “target” ( as in reset=target ), or combat state ( reset=combat ). It can also handle multiple conditions such as: reset=5/combat - using / to denote “or”.

/ can be used in other functions as well such as [mod:shift/ctrl]

Thanks for these resources. I’m already going through them.