M1 MacBook Pro getting too hot

There are a few fan control apps available on the App Store like TG pro, I really like that one, I think it is M1 supported now as well. You can throttle up your fans with this app to help with the cooling.

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I have a M1 Air and a 75Hz monitor and the CPU was getting hot when running at full FPS. I had to limit the FPS to 60 frames in order to keep the CPU under 90 degrees.

I used to play on a mac laptop. I monkeyed around with fan settings which did help, but after a while my fans burned out, not kidding, but replaced for free. I didn’t do anything crazy, it was a good careful change, but still it outstripped the machines internal cooling. That’s a theme with macs.

The only thing I found that really helped was putting the laptop on a good angled stand which didn’t cover up the metal and then use small silent desktop fan on the metal case. (I used an external keyboard and mouse) Make sure there’s airflow over the most metal you can, bonus marks for getting the hot spots. It did take a little moving things around so the fan wasn’t blowing on me, but once setup it worked great. You really don’t want it blowing on your hands or eyes or anything like that.