M1 Mac - Latency always reads 0ms, spell cast buffering broken

I have an M1 MacBook Air. Thanks for shipping a native ARM client so quickly!

When running the arm64 client, my latency number currently always reads “0 ms (home)” and “0 ms (world)”.

This appears to screw up spell casting. If I attempt to buffer a second spell while a cast is in progress, I get “failed” messages, but the original spell ends up casting anyway. I suspect the fact that the game can’t measure latency messes up the buffering code.

Running in Rosetta2 on the same M1 MacBook Air, I don’t have either of these issues: I get latency numbers, and spell buffering works fine and is consistent with my Windows desktop.

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Can anyone else reproduce this? I consistently see “0ms” latency on my M1 Air, running the native ARM client. Running in Rosetta2 avoids this problem.

Spell casting is also noticeably messed up (only on the ARM client).

There are a lot of UI issues with the ARM client, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Blizzard clearly didn’t do any kind of basic testing, but hopefully they will have some kind of patch or hotfix rolling out soon.

I have the same issue, I’m on a M1 Mac Mini. Always either 0ms latency or 1-2ms latency :frowning:

Everyone on an M1 from what I’ve seen is seeing this. I’m on an M1 as well and this issue has been there since day 1 of me installing the game. tried the PTR the other day and it’s there as well even with a new arm build.

This was supposedly fixed today in tuesday maintenance small update