M0 motherload not counting towards 4/4 for weekly

I didn’t get credit either

Same here no credit after finishing a normal mythic and not a keystone

same here it didn’t count

Are they going to fix this for us or do we have to put in a ticket?

Just happened to me as well, on my Monk at 4pm 3-26-19

Add another group, ran FH and AD to 2/4 then completed ML and still at 2/4. All on M0, no skips.

Same with my group, finished 4:10 PST.

Same here. Killed all bosses.

still haven’t got credit for motherload was hoping they fix it by now

nope not yet. just ran it with my guild and no one got credit

Same here happen to my Dk alt and sadly i just needed to do the week quest once hes wayyy behind vs my other alts sigh…

Same here - 1st mythic for the Emissary quest Motherlode, did not count towards the total of 4. Ill run another 3 and wait for the Blues to respond.

Happened to me as well. Blizzard better give us the credit we earned…

Same issue for my entire group.

Same issue

Same with our entire group as well.

Same here… Even got a keystone from it, so… Can’t say I didn’t complete it.

I am also having this issue, as well as my whole group of 4 others. We did 4/4 to see if maybe it would somehow complete it.

It did not work. : (

Yep, same for me. Did not get credit after completing the dungeon while on the quest.

Response from Blizzard:
Known issue, can’t intervene, run a different dungeon, etc.
Horses*** CS Blizz. If I do this and the quest chest gives me a redundant item for one of my handful of 400 ilvl slots already I’m really going to be hot.